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7 years later

Olivia woke up that day, as the sunlight peeked through the blinds and she turned to the other side of the bed to find that she was… alone. She groaned. She just wanted her morning kiss so where the heck was her husband?

As if on cue, Lance walked out of the en suite bathroom, a smile instantly appearing on his face when he saw that she was awake. Olivia on the other hand, was blushing madly. Why you may ask? Well, it was maybe, possibly the fact that he had just walked out shirtless.

“Morning bubs.” He said, approaching her, and giving her a peck on the lips. “Good morning to you too.” She replied, wrapping her arms around his neck. “Why didn’t you wake me up when you left for your run?” she asked.

Lance shrugged. “You looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to disturb you.” He said. He kissed her on the nose before standing up to get a shirt, all the while feeling Olivia’s eyes burning into his back. “Like what you see?” he asked jokingly, a smirk on his face as he put it on.

Olivia scoffed. “Your one to talk.” She said. “Mr. Lance Stares-at-my-ass-whenever-I’m-in-a-stage-outfit Stroll.” Lance chuckled. “We’re married, I’m allowed to stare.”

Olivia hummed, as she buried her face into his chest. “Yeah, you’re the exception.” She ran her hands through his dark brown hair. “You’re always the exception.”

She pulled him in for another kiss. Lance wrapped his arms around her waist holding her close. “You’ve been extremely clingy these past few days.” He said, laughing slightly when they pulled away,

Olivia scrunched up her nose. “Cut me some slack, I’ve been on tour for the past five months, and I’ve barely seen you in said five months.” She said. “Plus I only have you to myself for two days before we leave for Abu Dhabi.”

Lance laughed. “You’ll be with me in Abu Dhabi, you do realize that?” he said. “But still, you’ll be working almost the entire time.” She said.

“But after that you’ll have me for all of winter break.”

“Mmm yeah I guess that does make up for it.” She said, a soft giggle escaping her lips.

They had been married for almost 3 years now, and Olivia remembered it like it was yesterday.

The proposal…

“Happy anniversary Via.” He said, rubbing circles on her hand. Lance had surprised Olivia with a fancy dinner on the balcony of a restaurant in Geneva, and they were just waiting for dessert.

When it arrived, Olivia noticed a thin silver band with a diamond glistening in the candlelight. She was speechless.

Lance stood up, went over to her, and got down on one knee. “Olivia Jerusha Cortez…” he started. “Will you make me the happiest man on the planet, and marry me?”

“Yes.” She whispered. “Yes!” she repeated, louder this time so that he could hear.

“Yes?” Said Lance, a smile forming on his face.

“Yes! Yes Lance, I will marry you!”

 The wedding…

“Olivia, when I first met you we couldn’t have been more than three years old. I remember we were at the park. You had slipped and fallen down. You were balling your eyes out, and that was when I saw you. I helped you up, and we became friends, and we were inseparable ever since. It was at that same park years later when I fell for you when we were ten, and at that same park we said goodbye when we were fourteen. I promise to you now, with all my heart and soul that I will never, ever again let you go.”

A tear of pure joy rolled down her cheek as he slipped her wedding ring on to her finger.

“Lance, when I saw you in that hotel lobby in Melbourne, I admit I had mixed feelings. I was scared, and I was frustrated because even after all those years apart, I found myself being happy to see you. But out of all those emotions, I could never bring it in me to be angry. I could never be angry with you. I didn’t realize it at first but subconsciously, I always knew in the back of my head that I loved you. I always have, and I always will. No matter what, forevermore.”

By now Olivia was close to bawling. (Lance was too although he would never admit it)

And then came those words, those two sentences that had changed their life for the better.

“I now pronounce you husband, and wife. You may now kiss the bride.”

And the birth of their daughter…

“Aaaahhh” Olivia let out a piercing scream.

This was it. The moment had come.

“Come on bubs, just a little bit more. You’re almost there.” Lance whispered words of encouragement into her ears.

“Lance Stroll, you are not allowed to go anywhere after today for at least the next two weeks, and that is not a request.” She said.

He planted a kiss on her hand. “I’m not going anywhere sweetheart.”

After a few more moments of pain, Olivia could finally relax.

“Mr. Stroll” the nurse spoke up. “Would you like to cut the umbilical cord?” He nodded.

Both of them were still in disbelief. Their daughter was here. Their baby girl was here!

“She has your nose.” He cooed, once he was able to hold her. “And she has your eyes.” Added Olivia, once she had opened her eyes.

“What are you going to name her?” asked the doctor.

Olivia smiled. “Alice” she said.

All of those moments had led up to now.

She was standing in front of her husband, in the house, no… the home that they bought together.

Their daughter was peacefully asleep in the room beside theirs.

They had their dream life.

They had everything they ever wanted.

They were happy.                                                                                                                

And it may have taken a while, but they had proved that their love was so much more than a faded memory.


Fun fact there was actually supposed to be another chapter but I didn't  want to drag it on for too long 😅😅😅

But seriously thank you to all the readers! I love you guys so much!

After this book I'll be taking a bit of a writing break, but I'll be back at the latest by this August with a new book!

Once again thank you guys so much for all the love and support you gave to my book!

Thank you again and this is goodbye for now.


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