BONUS CHAPTER: the holy trinity

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1. The first public appearance

Lance sat in his drivers room, knee boun. It was a big day. Well, to him at least. To everyone else it was just a normal race day, but to him? This was a big deal. Olivia was making her first appearance at a grand prix as his girlfriend. Like his actual girlfriend with labels and petnames and their relationship at stake and-

"Lance." She squeezed his hand, a soft smile on her face. "Babes, you're spiralling. Penny for your thoughts?" She really could read him like a book. But then again, that's what knowing each other since childhood tends to do.

He shrugged. "Nothing I just," Looking up at her, his next words were nothing more than a whisper. An indicator both of the truth, and sheer nervousness behind them. "I really want this to go well."

"Hey," Olivia's heavy gaze seemed to bore right into the very depths of his mind. "We've been public for a while now. What's the worst that could happen?" She said, thumb rubbing circles on the back of his hand.

"If it's the press you're worried about, we can handle it." Her words were comforting. Like a steaming homecooked meal on a bad day. "We'll be fine love." She said, honey lacing her words in warmth and sincerity.

"Yeah," he nodded, as the anxiousness subsided. He buried his face into the crook of her neck, inhaling the sweet scent of her cologne. Letting himself relax, he echoed her earlier words, more to reassure himself than her.

"We'll be fine."


2. The first fight

"Shit, shit, shit, shit."

The Monaco grand prix was one of the most iconic ones. Doing well in here meant making a statement to the entire F1 community. All the drivers made sure to get an early night in to be in pristine condition the morning afterwards.

All of them except Lance.

"Lance, mind telling me why you're calling me in the dead of night right before one of the most important races of the season?" His teammate's voice rang through the speaker of his phone.

"Checo! Hi, I'm really sorry about this but uh," he spoke out.

"Spit it out man, I'm sleepy." He managed to get out in between yawns.

"Ok, uh, so if you and your wife hypothetically got into an argument and she hypothetically got mad at you and left your hotel room in an unfamiliar city, and-"

"I'm sorry WHAT???" Sergio's voice rang out, coated in a thick mexican accent. "Have you tried calling her?" He asked.

"Straight to voicemail."


"Left on read. Shit this is bad I'm really worried and-"

He trailed off, hearing the click of the door.

"Hey Checo, I'll call you tomorrow yeah?"

"What? Wait Lance wait u-"


Gazing at him with bloodshot eyes, Olivia practically collapsed into his arms.

Silent sobs racked her body. Her tears soaked through his hoodie, as her hands kept a vice grip on him as if she was scared that if she let go, he would disappear.

"I'm sorry." She whispered. "Lance I'm sorry I shouldn't have gotten upset. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I-" 

"Ssshhh," He threaded his fingers through her hair, bringing free hand to the small of her back and holding her close. "It's okay. It's okay love, I'm sorry too."

"I don't deserve you." she said, voice hoarse from crying. 

"It's okay Via," he said, running his hands over the length of her arms to soothe her. "It's okay, we can talk about it in the morning. I'm just glad you're back." He said. 

All his unsaid thoughts were spoken in the way he held her. The way he pressed kisses to her head, and breathed in the scent of her cologne. In his featherlight touches, and soft voice.

His fear that she wouldn't come back after she had left. That he had gone and screwed up their whole relationship that had taken entire decades to build up. 

"We can talk about it tomorrow okay? I just want to hold you now."


3. The Proposal

Lance took a breath.

Looking at the black velvet box in his hand, he began to wonder if he had made the right choice. Well, of course he wasn't having second thoughts about proposing. He was sure it was Olivia he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It was just that they had never really talked about getting married at all.

Did Olivia even want to get married?  

He had gotten her mother's blessing the last time they were in Canada. He had asked for Kelly's help when he bought the ring. He reserved a table at fancy Italian place they usually went to on special occasions. He had done everything right.


"Lance? Babe you ready?" She said, walking out of the bathroom.

Quickly hiding the box he looked up at her.

She was wearing a deep red off shoulder dress, and the necklace he had gotten her for their anniversary the previous year. The gold pendant shined in the dim light of their room, and the skirt of her dress fell right at her knees. In her hand were those strappy beige heels she always insisted on wearing insisting that it made her legs look nice.

But that wasn't what he was focused on.

Her eyes were warm and comforting. Drawing him in with a whirlpool of emotion. Her now much shorter hair framed her face in a blunt shoulder length cut. With his sheer enthrallment, Lance could've sworn she even had a soft glow about her with how much she looked like an angel.

"Yeah," he managed to breathe out.

A small smile made it's way to his face.

"Yeah let's go." He said, getting up from their shared bed and taking her waist.

Suddenly, the weight of the ring in his pocket felt a lot lighter. He was sure now. He was definitely going to propose. Even if Olivia did say no, (which she didn't by the way.) He loved her.

And he knew she loved him.

And that would be enough.



I'll be putting out the intro(ish thingy) for the Pierre fic sometime soon so watch out for that! Most likely next month.

If any of you are interested, I actually also enjoy anime so I'm planning to start writing for that too! (Specifically Haikyuu!!, Free!! and Kuroko no Basuke and probably soon BNHA as well)

So yeaahh!! Thank you again everyonee!!!

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