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Olivia walked towards the Renault paddock, phone in hand as she called Kelly to tell her what had just happened. After a few rings, she picked up the phone.

"Hey Olivia, I was just about to call you." Said the blonde from the other side of the phone.

"Yeah, look if it's about the articles, I've just met with Lance." Said Olivia. "Well what did he say?" Kelly asked.

"Well he's in an interview with Sky Sports at the moment, but his PR said a post on instagram should be enough." Replied Olivia.

"Yeah, you should do one as well." Said Kelly. Olivia nodded, but then realizing Kelly couldn't see her. "Yeah I'll do it once I get a better connection, signal isn't that good right now."

"But are you okay? There were some pretty nasty stuff on those articles." Olivia shrugged. "Eh, we've had worse." She said, making Kelly laugh.

"Seriously though, are you really okay?" Olivia sighed. Was she okay? She didn't know. "I will be once this is all over." She said. Waving to Daniel as she arrived at the garage, she hung up the phone and stuffed it into her purse.

"Hey so I need to go warm up now." He said. The Aussie was already in his fireproofs, with the sleeves of his suit tied around his waist.

"Someone will give you a set of headphones, and you'll be able to watch from here." He said. Olivia nodded. "Dan I've been watching F1 since I was a kid. Chill, I'll be fine." She said. "Stop acting like my older brother."

Daniel chuckled. "Alright missy." He said, patting Olivia on the head jokingly, making her stick her tongue out at him.

As she sat down on Daniel's side of the garage, she opened her phone, and saw hundreds of notifications on her instagram. Sighing, she decided now would be good a time as any to post something.

"Hey everyone, it's Olivia! I guess by now you've all heard the rumours. Just to clear up a few things, Lance is an old friend. He did take me out for dinner last night, but just as a friend. We aren't dating, and I'm not his girlfriend. We grew up, and went to school together in Montreal, and our relationship is purely platonic."

"That should be enough." She muttered to herself. She atattched a picture of her and Lance in the car the night before, and clicked post, not forgetting to tag Lance in the caption. A flurry of notifications started popping up on her phone. Most of the comments were from fans both hers, Lance's, and a few of Daniel's

Meanwhile, Lance was taking off his mic, and walking over to Katie after wrapping up his interview. She handed him his cap, and the two made their way to the Racing Point paddock.

"So about the instagram post, this is what I came up with." She said, handing him the phone. Lance nodded. "Yeah that should be good." He said.

The pair walked towards the Racing Point garage for Lance to get ready. "Oh look she tagged you in a post." Lance looked at the redhead in slight disbelief. "Wait really?" Grabbing the phone he checked his notifications, and true enough there was a post on Olivia's page.

Reading the caption, he smiled as he saw the picture she had posted. Katie glanced at the boy, a knowing glance in her eyes.

"You like her, don't you?" Lance looked up, trying to play it cool. "What? No, she's just a friend."

Katie raised her eyebrows. "Okay whatever you say loverboy." She said.

Lance rolled his eyes as they walked into the garage. As he went into his driver's room, he let out a sigh, taking off his cap.

He silently wished to himself that the rumors were true, completely oblivious to the fact that Olivia felt the exact same way.

a/n: sooo... it's been a while...


also ik it's a bit short but i promise the next chapter will be better just bear with me here

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