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The rest of the weekend went pretty smoothly. Lance and Olivia managed to clear up the rumours, by Saturday, and now the latter was on the way to Sydney for her next show.

Speaking of, Olivia was on the plane that morning at around 8:30 am. She had gotten a private plane that day, since she didn't travel with the rest of the people on her tour, and public flights didn't usually end well for her. (The last time it happened, she was horded by the press throughout the airport despite being asked to be left alone... not a very nice sight, and not to mention the stalker incident the previous year.)

Sighing to herself quietly, she thought about Lance, and what had happened the previous weekend. Should she really have forgiven him that quickly? His apology seemed sincere, but what if it was all just an act?

Then there was the matter of Olivia's feelings for him. She knew she was starting to fall, but she also knew that nothing could happen between the two of them. Between both of their careers, and hectic schedules... it just wouldn't work.

She shook her head. She was overthinking again. She had a tendency to do that when she had a lot on her mind. She opened the canvas sling bag that was next to her and brought out her song journal. She thought maybe writing a few lyrics would clear her head.

When she found an empty page, she took out her pen and started to write, or tried to at least. Inspiration just didn't seem to be striking her at the moment. After writing, crossing out, and re-writing a few lines, she gave up, and decided to scroll through her instagram to pass the time.

After a while she came across Lance's account. (They had followed each other at some point during the weekend.) After debating on opening it or not, she gave in to her curiosity, and clicked on his profile. She scrolled down, and underneath his post about the race, was the post he had made addressing the rumours circulating about them.

"Just for the record, Olivia and I are just friends. Yes I took her out to dinner, but just to catch up on what we had missed the past few years. We lost contact a few years ago when our careers were just starting out, and recently got back in touch. So no, we aren't dating, and we're just good friends."

Under the caption, she saw a picture from when the two were kids. Olivia smiled. She remembered that day vividly. It was the first day of sixth grade...


"Sweetheart, you need to hurry, Lance will be here soon!" called Olivia's mother from down the stairs.

"Coming mom!" replied the brunette girl, speeding down the stairs, backpack on, and roller skates in hand. She walked over to the kitchen where her parents were, grabbing her vanilla pop tarts from the toaster, and taking a large bite.

"Don't go too fast on your roller blades honey, you might get into an accident. We don't want a repeat of third grade now do we?" said her dad who was reading the newspaper, and having his morning coffee. She shook her head, pouring herself a glass of orange juice.

After finishing up her breakfast, Olivia hugged both of her parents, before putting on her roller blades, and picking up her sneakers on the way out. She had just gone down the stairs of their front porch when she saw Lance waving to her from down the street with a smile on his face.

It had become a tradition for the two to race each other to school on their roller blades on the first day of every year. (Hence them wearing their roller blades that day.) The boy skated over to her house, stopping just in front of the white gate of Olivia's house.

"Took you long enough." Said Olivia, smirking slightly. Lance rolled his eyes at the girl. "I couldn't find my pencil case." He muttered under his breath, making Olivia laugh.

FADED MEMORIES: A Lance Stroll fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now