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"Okay so you know the plan right?" Lance nodded at Daniel.

The two drivers had come up with a plan to get Olivia to meet Lance. Daniel had texted her that he was in LA, and to meet her at a nearby park that the two of them usually went to. Olivia, of course blissfully unaware of the plan agreed to meet him.

Daniel's phone buzzed. Pulling it out, he read the message, and looked at Lance. "She's almost here." He said. As he started to walk away to give the two a bit of privacy, he looked back "Lance!" The Canadian looked up. "Don't screw this up."

Olivia walked down the same path she always did. She had texted Daniel that she was almost there, and was honestly looking forward to seeing her friend. She hoped that spending time with him would help her forget about her conflicting thoughts of the past two weeks.

She arrived at the park, but couldn't find Daniel anywhere. She furrowed her brows in confusion. She was absolutely sure she was in the right place, and Daniel said he was already there. Dialing his number, she brought the phone up to her ear.

"Dan? I'm here, but I can't see you." She said.

"Well Via you see..." he started. "It's not actually me you're here to meet." He said.

"Huh? What do you-" she froze. Her eyes met those of Lance. Dropping the call, she made a mental note to kill Daniel the next time she saw him.

Yes she was sure she loved him, and yes she was sure she wanted to see him, but in that moment, she really didn't know how to react.

Olivia, Lance, and a park in some whatever it's called town. That's how it all started. That's how they met in Montreal, and now here they were. As adults, in a park, in LA. It somehow... someway, just made sense.

He started to walk toward her. With every step he took, Olivia grew more certain, and yet more unsure.

He was at arm's length when he finally opened his mouth to speak.

He had originally prepared a whole speech for this moment. Something to confess his love for her, to tell her that he had loved her for a long time, and would continue to do so, and that he would do everything in his power to let him love her. But the only words that he could get out were.

"Why did you pull away?" he asked. "You wanted it too, so why did you pull away when I kissed you?" he said. His voice soft, barely audiable, but just loud enough for her to hear.

"I was scared." She whispered.

"What?" he said. Lance didn't hear what she was saying, but he was sure she said something.

"I was scared okay!" she exclaimed, louder this time. "I was fucking terrified, and you know why?" she said.

"Oh do enlighten me." Said Lance. He didn't mean to sound like that, but the tension was almost unbearable at this point.

"Oh yeah? You want me to enlighten you? Sure." She said. Her voice turning icy cold as all the emotions she held in started to flow out.

"When you left Montreal you remember what you promised me?" she started. "You promised you would never leave. You promised that we would always be best friends. You promised, and you know what Lance? You didn't fucking keep it." She said, her voice dripping with venom.

"Do you have any idea what that did to me?" She stepped closer to him. "I was broken." She said. "I had no motivation to do anything. I didn't want to get out of bed. Heck, I didn't even want to perform!" she exclaimed.

Lance was speechless. He had no idea as to what happened after he left Montreal.

"And then my parents got divorced, my dad left, and I had nothing." She said. "Kelly was there... sure. But she wasn't you." Her voice trembled. A tear escaped her eyes, and she didn't even bother to wipe it away anymore.

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