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"Wait so you're telling me that you thought it would be a good idea to wear pants with zippers on the front, during a performance that required you to kneel, causing you to rip you your knees open, and you didn't even notice?" said Lance laughing hysterically, as Olivia told him about one of her first performances.

"No joke, they were bleeding like crazy." She said. Lance stared at her as she laughed. "What?" She said, noticing his eyes on her. He looked away, a slight blush creeping on to his cheeks. "Nothing it's just..." he looked up, gazing into her shining hazel-colored eyes. "I really missed your smile." He said smiling.

Olivia tilted her head back laughing. "Lance Stroll after all these years, you're still sappy as heck." He laughed again. She always did find a way to make him laugh.

"What can I say I'm sentimental like that." He said making Olivia giggle. The brunette girl ate the last of her pasta, and looked at her watch. Her eyes widened, and she looked at Lance.

"Lance..." "Hm?" he said looking up at her. "It's already 8:42 pm." She said. Lance raised his eyebrows. "Damn you're right he said."

They looked around. The restaurant had emptied considerably since they had gotten there. "Well we should probably get going now." He said, raising his hand to call for the bill.

Once the waiter got there, they both took out their cards at the same time. "No, Lance I'm paying." Said Olivia. Lance shook his head. "Nope, you paid for ice cream last time." He said, referring to when she treated him to ice cream before he had left all those years ago.

"Okay that doesn't count, we were fourteen." She said. "Yes it does." "No it doesn't" "Yes it does." "I'm still paying." "No you're not."

"Miss" said the waitress intervening between them. "With all due respect, if an attractive young man takes you out on a date, and wants to pay, you might as well let him." She said.

Olivia looked at Lance in defeat. "Fine." She said keeping her card.

"So it's a date now?" said Lance, trying not to laugh. Olivia rolled her eyes. "Shut up."

Once they were all paid up, Lance stood up from the table, and offered his hand to help Olivia out of her seat. "Shall we?" he said, a huge grin on his face. Olivia smiled "Yes we shall." And they left the restaurant hand in hand, the smiles not once leaving their faces.

At some point during the thirty minute drive back to the hotel, Lance had thought that it would be a good idea to bring up the topic of Olivia's emo phase in middle school. "Look I'm just saying, your obsession with Brendon Urie was so bad it was concerning."

Olivia put on a face of mock outrage. "Says the one who fantasized about Mia Torretto for majority of the sixth grade." She retorted, making Lance laugh.

"Touche." He said, looking at Olivia who was currently tying up her hair in a ponytail. 'she really is beautiful as ever' "Eyes on the road Lancelot." She said, noticing his gaze. He rolled his eyes playfully, turning back on to the road. "Yes ma'am." He said in a slightly mocking tone, making Olivia slap his hand slightly.

The rest of the drive was filled with laughter, friendly banter, and fond memories of their childhood. When they finally arrived at the hotel, they got out of the car and walked to the lobby in a comfortable silence.

Olivia pressed the button in the elevator for her floor, but noticed that Lance didn't. "Aren't you going back to your room?" she asked. Lance shook his head. "I'll walk you back to your room first." He said, a gentle smile on his face.

Olivia's thoughts ran rampant in her head. 'Gosh how is he so perfect? He's attractive as heck, respectful, and he's also a complete gentleman!'

Lance didn't take his eyes off her the entire way back to her room. 'She really hasn't changed a bit.' He thought to himself. 'Still kind, thoughtful, absolutely gorgeous, and just amazing in every way possible.'

They walked out of the elevator, and down the hall towards Olivia's room. "So this is me." She said. She opened the door, and took one last look at the man in front of her door. "Thanks a lot Lance. I had fun tonight." She said, a smile on her face, and a twinkle in her eyes.

"Yeah, anytime." He replied. Lance tore himself away from the door, and started to walk back to the elevator with his hands in his pockets. All of a sudden he heard Olivia's voice call out to him.

"Lance" she called. She took his hand and pulled him in for a hug. "Good luck this weekend okay?" she whispered in his ear. Lance nodded. "Okay." He said. He held her in his arms, and enjoyed the moment, as he caught a whiff of her vanilla scented shampoo.

"I'll see you around I guess." He said, as they finally pulled away. Olivia nodded. "Yeah. See you around." She smiled at him as she closed the door. "Goodnight Lance."

"Goodnight Olivia."

A/n: Hi guys! sorry for the late update, school is vv stressful atm. But here's a new chapter! I hope you guys like it!

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