Chapter Three

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Noel's P.O.V.

Last night was amazing. I fell completely in love with Zayn all over again. We had just woken up and were packing because we'll be going to Bradford for the weekend to spend time with Zayn's family.

"Babe, do you really need this much stuff?" Zayn asked laughing. "Well I don't know." I said. We'll only be gone two days and I think I over packed, but I needed to be prepared.

We got into the car and started our 3 hour drive to Bradford. I had fallen asleep on the way there and was woken up when my phone started ringing. I looked and it was Bri. Hello? Noel! Yea, what's up? Nothing much. I'm just on my way to Bradford with Zayn. Ok. I'll leave you be then. Bye! She hung up and when I finally looked up we had stopped and arrived.

"NOEL!" Zayn's sisters yelled as they ran to hug me. They tackled me to the ground. They didn't even pay any attention to their brother who was right there watching. "Hello to you too!" he said sarcastically to them. They completely ignored him.

"Hey Noel" Mrs. Malik said. "Hi Mrs. Malik. How are you?" I said happily. We made small talk until I was dragged upstairs by Safaa and Waliyha. "Let's play!" they screamed with excitement. I loved Zayn's sisters.

After I was done playing with them, I decided to check on Zayn. He was in the room and I think he was talking to his mom. "I really think she's the one. She likes me for me and not the fact I'm a celebrity." He stated. "I really like her Zayn, but don't move to quickly. You might push her away. Not everyone can handle dating a celebrity. Don't do anything until after the tour." she said. "Ok." he said plainly.

Zayn thinks I'm the one?? I walked downstairs to get something to a drink. I wanted to talk to Doniya, but I couldn't find her.

I was watching T.V. with Safaa and Waliyah, when Zayn announced dinner was ready. "Sit by me. Pleease?" Safaa begged. "Sure thing, love. I said happily. I sat by Safaa and Zayn sat next to me. He smiled at me as I helped Safaa.

Once we were done, I headed upstairs to take a shower. I grabbed Zayn's t-shirt and a pair of shorts and headed for a shower. I passed by Safaa's room and told her good night. Zayn was tucking her in and giving her a good night kiss.

After I was done taking a shower, I headed back to Zayn's room. He was sitting on the bed on the phone. I walked over and kissed him on the neck and started making my way down, but he pushed me away. I laid in bed waiting for him.

Once he got off the phone , he laid down next to me. "Where were we?" he asked with a smirk. "I'm tired" I said. "You're such a tease!" he said while pouting. I put my head on his chest and fell asleep.

The next morning, Zayn and I were woken up by two screaming and jumping girls. "Breakfast is ready!" They yelled.

I walked downstairs with the two girls and sat down to eat. I asked Doniya if she wanted to have a girls day with me, so we could catch up. We decided we were going to the spa and shopping.

We got into my car and head to the spa. We got our nails and toes done, then headed to some shops. I had gotten shorts, jeans, tops and dresses. Doniya had gotten shoes, shirts, a dress, and shorts.

On our way home, we decided to stop for ice cream because we both loved ice cream. She's a really sweet girl and we're really close. I'm going to ask Zayn if she can visit me in London, since Zayn will be gone and I don't want to be by myself.

Zayn and I are getting ready to head back to London. We say our goodbyes and get into the car. The car ride was quiet because I was exhasted from hanging out with Doniya. Zayn looked deep in thought, so I decided to leave him alone and go to sleep. Zayn shoke me softly as we arrived at Nandos becasue he was hungry. He had called the boys to join us. We ate and then went back to our flat to watch movies. Everyone ended up staying the night.

Zayn's P.O.V.

These last few weeks have made me realize how much I love Noel. She's different and I've realized I want to spend the rest of my life together. My family loves her with that is not normal. All the girls I've brought over to meet my mom and sisters, they usually don't approve, but Noel they love her.

Today is the last day I get with her and I think we're going to stay home and laze around all day. I just want her to be in my arms all day. I don't want to leave her, but I have to. At least this will be the last tour for awhile.

The next day, we get up early. We get ready and she's wearing my leather jacket with the white sleeve. She loves that jacket. We get into the car and head to the airport.

Once we arrive, we see Niall and Bri holding hands. We walk up to the them. Then, Katie and Harry comes and Dani and Liam. Last but not least Lou an El show up. If you didn't know Katie is dating Harry and Bri is dating Niall. Noel's been holding on to me the whole time and it extremely cute. I seriously don't want to go.

The intercom announces our flight will be leaving. I kiss Noel passionately and say our goodbyes. I start walking away, but I can't get myself to look away from Noel. She's tearing and Danielle is holding her. Thank God for Danielle because if it wasn't for Dani I don't think Noel would have been able to handle me being gone for so long. "I LOVE YOU, BABE!" I yell from across the airport.

Noel's P.O.V

I started crying as Zayn started walking away. Danielle is holding me and comforting me. I don't know how I am going to get through a year without Zayn if it wasn't for Dani. She's like my older sister I never had, well all the girls are.

We are all emotional wrecks and are standing in the middle of the airport. We finally decide to walk to the our cars. I need to go to my house and grab my stuff. I'm going to move in with Dani, while Zayn and Liam is gone.

Let's see how this is going to work out.

A/N: How was it??

P.S. I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now