Chapter Seventeen

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Zayn's POV

After my movie night with Noel, I snuck out of the hotel around 1am. I drive to my house. During the drive, I was still trying to figure out Noel and I. I wanna know what's going on. I understand she wants to keep us a secret, but I don't understand why she doesn't want to stay with me. What went wrong? I arrive at my flat and head straight to my bedroom. I take off my shirt and head to bed.

I wake up to poundings on my door.

"Zayn! Zayn! It's 4 o'clock," someone yelled.

I rolled out of bed and walked downstairs.

"What the bloody hell," I yelled.

It was Liam, Louis, Harry, and Niall.

"It's 4 o'clock. We have a meeting for the party tomorrow that we have to be at in an hour. Hurry up and get ready," Liam states.

"I'm not going," I say.

"You have to go. What's going on? This isn't like you," Niall asks.

I shut the door on them.

"Zayn, come on," they chorused.

I run upstairs and start looking for something fast to wear since they won't leave me alone. While I was looking, I found Noel's promise ring. I walked backwards to the nearest wall and slid down and cried.

I heard shuffling up my stairs and into my room. I looked up and 4 faces full of concern looking directly at me.

"What's wrong, Zayn," Louis asked concerned.

We sat in a circle formation. All 8 pairs of eyes full of concern were staring at me. We were quiet for awhile until Liam spoke up, "what's wrong."

I just showed them the promise ring and they shook their heads in understanding.

Niall spoke up, "how are you and Noel?"

"Honesty, I don't know. She's having major mood swings. One minute she wants to be with me, then the next she doesn't," I replied.

"Do you guys talk," Harry asked.

"Yes, but it's not the same. She's different ever since the incident with Alex," I answered.

"Danielle and I were at a park yesterday and we saw her. We kept yelling for her, but she kept walking. We thought we mistaken her for someone else," Liam states sadness evident in his voice.

"Eleanor was crying her eyes out yesterday because Noel's ignoring her," Louis says.

"So has Phiona," Harry states.

"Dani has been taking it really hard," Liam says.

"Noel doesn't want to talk to anyone. She says she needs to find herself," I respond.

"Is she coming to the party," Niall asks.

"I don't know. I haven't asked her," I reply.

"Well get up and get dress. We gotta go now or Uncle Si is gonna have our arses," Liam says getting up.

I put on a white v neck, fix my hair and brush my teeth. I need to ask Noel if she's coming to the party with me.

To: Noel<3

Heey beautiful :D Would you be my date for the party tomorrow night? Please? :D x

I hop into the car with the rest of the boys. We arrive at Uncle Si's office and he doesn't look happy.

"Running late boys," He states.

"We had an issue to deal with," Liam answers.

"Zayn, why do you look like a mess?" Simon asks.

P.S. I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now