Chapter Eight

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A month later...

Noel's POV

"The boys come home tomorrow!" I scream. "Yes! We know!" Phiona yells. "Well... I'm sorry I'm excited to see my boyfriend that I haven't seen in 3 months." I say with an attitude while rolling my eyes.

"Dani! What are we doing todaaaaay?" I ask excitingly. "Well... I think we should go shopping and get medi/pedis?" She answers. "Let's call Brigid and El!" I scream. We all make plans and meet up at the centre.

My phone beeps signaling I have a new message.

From: ZAYNEY<333(yes I changed his name back!)

Hey babe!(: Can't wait to see you tomorrow! I LOVE YOU. :D x

I smile as I read the text.

To: ZAYNEY<333


We arrive at Forever 21 and start looking around. I want to get a new outfit. I look around and nothing catches my eye. Dani grabs my wrist and drags me to the dressing room. She comes out and she looks stunning. I feel self conscious and fat looking at her. She has such a nice figure, then there's me a POTATO. Dani comes to me and wipes the tears from my eyes. I didn't even realize I was crying.  "What's wrong love?" she asks with a sad expression. "Why am I so ugly? What does Zayn even see in me? He could get way more prettier girls than me. Does he pity me?" I scream. By now everyone is looking at me. "Noel, You're beautiful. Zayn's a very lucky guy." She says as she holds me. We're quiet for a while.

I finally calm down and she pays for her items. Everyone split up, so it just me and Dani. It hasn't been just us in a long time. It's always been Dani, Phiona and I. I kinda miss these days. We walk into Harrods and I finally found a dress. Its strapless and black on the top and purple at the bottom. It's long in the back and short in the front. I FELL COMPLETELY IN LOVE. Zayn loves when I wear dresses like this. I'll just add my promise ring, a necklace, some bracelets, earring and high heels. We both finally have our outfits, so we decide to grab a bite to eat because we have some time to kill.

We're done eating and head to meet up with the other girls. I'm so happy no fangirls have notice us yet. I spoke to freaken soon. A girl came up to me and asked if she could get a picture with me because she's a Zayn girl. Of course I couldn't refuse. Another girl came up and asked for a group picture.

We get into the salon and do our nails. Once were done, we head back to Dani's flat because everyone is going to help me move back to Zayn's flat. Good thing I already packed. We grab my suitcases and the boxes and shove them into our cars. We all head to Zayn's house. I'm so happy to be back here. I open the door and walk in. I haven't been here in a whole year and it hasn't changed. I start reminiscing and remembering everything Zayn and I went through this whole year.

"Hey. You okay?" Phiona's sweet voice interrupts my thoughts. "Yea. Just looking back at all the drama Zayn and I have been through. I was also thinking about what my life would be like if me and Zayn didn't get back together." I say "You guys have been through a lot and I know it's meant to be. The way you guys look at each other. The way you fangirl to us girls every time he says sweet things to you." She says. I smile and realize I'm living my dream. I'm dating the boy I fell in love with when I was 16. The boy I use to tweet non-stop. They boy I saw come from the bottom of the stairs to the top of the world. The boy I will always support and love. Wow! I never would have thought I would be with Zayn Malik. I thought he would never even know I existed. I remember when I use to fangirl about him. When I got jealous of Perrie because she had him. We are meant to be together.

All the girls leave and I start unpacking all my things. I find our scrapbook. I look through it and it has everything from our first date to our last day at the airport. I was just any ordinary directioner that lucked out. Who would have know I would be the girl Zayn wants to be with. I look at the clock and it's 10. I decide to get ready for bed because I need to meet the girls at the airport at 8.

As soon as I lay down I easily slip into a deep sleep. My alarm clock goes off at 6:30. I get up and jump into the shower. I wash my face and brush my teeth. I curl my hair, do my make up and change into my dress. I put on my ring, necklace and bracelets. I hear my phone beep.

From: DAAAAANI<333

GOOD MORNING SUNSHINE!(: Are you up and ready?


Heeey lovely! Yeea. I'm about to head out.

From: DAAAAANI<333

Would you mind stopping by and picking me up? Pleeease? I'LL LOVE YOU FOREVER!


Do I have to? & what you don't love me?

From: DAAAAANI<333



Fine!(: I'll be there in 10. Be ready!

I grab all my stuff and head out the door. I head over to Dani's flat and pick her up. We grab Starbucks because we had some time to kill. We head over to the airport and Phiona, Brigid and El are waiting. The boys should be arriving in the next half an hour. I'm super excited!!! I cant wait to be in Zayn's arms. At least he wont be leaving on tour till next year.

A half an hour passes and the boys plane has just landed. We decide to hide and freak the boys out. They're the last ones to get off the plane. There are no fangirls because their flight was a secret. The get into the waiting area and have sad expressions on their faces Zayn's face is classic. He looks like he's about to cry.

I finally run and jump on his back. "ZAAAAAYNY! Did you think I forgot about you!" I screamed He had the biggest smile on his face when he saw me. "Yees." he says with a sad expression. "I could never forget about yooou!" I say. I jump off his back and kiss him passionately. By now all the girls have come out of hiding. "Who's idea was to hide in the first place?" Liam asks while looking at me. "Mmmine." I stutter while looking at the ground. "Naughty Naughty!" He says.

"I'm hungry!" Niall complains. "You're always hugry!" I say while playfully hitting him on the arm. We decided to go to Nandos and eat lunch. After lunch, Zayn and I dropped off Liam and Dani and head home. 

"I've missed this place." he says barely a whisper. "I missed you." I  whispered while kissing him. "Not as much as I missed you, babe." He says with a smirk. "What do you wanna do?" I ask. "Can I rest for a bit because I'm jetlagged. We can do something later with everyone?" He says. "Okay. I'll call everyone and make plans." I say excitedly.

While Zayn was resting I had made plans with everyone to go out to dinner. "Babe, You gotta get up and get ready." I whispered in Zayn's ear. He didnt even budge. "Please get up babe." I begged while poking him. "Mhhm" He finally replies. I'm not even ready and we have to be at the restaurant in 10 mins. Great!

I jumped in the shower. After I was done showering, I curled my hair and make-up and put on my outfit. I decided on a blue flowy top and black skinnies with blue high heels. "Let's go babe!" Zayn yelled. "I'm coming! Hold on!" I yelled back.

I run downstairs and grab my cell and purse. We walk to the car and drive to the restaurant. There's paparazi, but it doesnt bother us. They ask for a couple of pictures and some quesions.

Once we're in we look for everyone. We finally spot them. "Late as usual!" They chorus. "Sorry" We both say with sad expressions. "It technically wasn't my fault this time." I say defensively.

We all talk and catch up. It has been a while since we've all hung out. I miss these times and I hope there's gonna be more times like these. Life seems perfect right now.

P.S. I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now