Chapter Four

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A/N: Sorry for the wait! Here you go! Tell me what you think! Follow me on Twitter: zaaaynswifeey or Instagram: zaynnnswifey, xxx

Noel's P.O.V.

We all head to our cars. Dani and I are headed to my flat to grab all my stuff. I arrive at my flat and start missing Zayn even more. How can Dani be so strong? She's not only being strong for herself, but me too. I had already packed my suitcases, so we just grabbed them and loaded them into my Range Rover.

We finally arrive at Dani's flat. We carry the suitcases in and she shows me to my room. It's purple because she knows I love the color purple. I start unpacking and get settled in.

After I'm done putting everything away, Dani comes in and says the girls want to go out tonight. I just shrug my shoulders. I really don't care. Maybe going out will take my mind off of Zayn being gone. I look at my phone to see if there are any calls or texts from him. He probably didn't land yet. Dani picked out an outfit for me, while I took a shower. TONIGHT IS GOING TO BE FUN!

Zayn's P.O.V.

We got on the plane and I already miss her. I fell asleep on Niall's shoulder and was woken up by Perrie. Did I mention that we'll be touring with Little Mix. I didn't tell Noel because I didn't want her to freak out. Perrie and I are still friends and Noel respects that. It's just that there has been some incidents where Perrie has tried some stuff and Noel went crazy.

We got off the plane and there were about 50 fans outside waiting for us. I stopped for some fans and took pictures. Some asked how Noel and I were doing and it made me miss her even more. Some even asked if Perrie and I were together. A fan had asked for a picture with Perrie and I. I didn't want to, but I didn't want to upset the girl who was about 12 years old. Noel would understand.

We get outside and file into a black van. I sit next to Liam and Niall. Perrie keeps trying to get my attention, but I ignore her. Paul says that Liam, Lou and Harry will be sharing one room and Niall and I in the other.

I look at my phone to see if Noel had texted or called me, but there was nothing. I check twitter and see that Katie had tweeted that she's going out to the club tonight. I wonder if Noel's going to. If she is then I totally trust her. I mean I'm touring with my ex.

Should I text her?? That question has been running through my mind ever since I saw Katie's tweet. I wonder if Harry knows Katie is going out. Well that's none of my business. I'm so jetlag that I can't even walk straight. I'll just talk to Noel when I get up.

Noel's P.O.V.

After we are all dolled up, we head to the club. I had gotten a text from my friend Keenan and decided to check it.

From Keenan:

Heey!(: What you doing tonight?

To: Keenan

Heey Love!<333 I'm going out to the club tonight. What are you doing?

From: Keenan

Going out to the club with some friends. I'm going to the Funky Buddha.

To: Keenan

OMG! Me too! I'll see you tonight!(:

Did I mention that Keenan is my ex and Zayn strongly dislikes him. Let's see how tonight is gonna go. When we arrive, there were lots of paps around. They wanted a few pictures of Dani and I, we gave them what they wanted and they left us alone.

We got in the club and met up with Bri, Katie, and El. I saw Keenan and told him Hi. He was with The Wanted Boys which are Tom, Siva, Max, Nathan, and Jay. I said Hi to everyone then made my way back to my girls. I was dancing with Keenan and some people had taken some pictures. We were all so drunk. I was going to have a major hangover tomorrow.

We all headed to Dani's flat because it was the closet. Keenan had slept over because he was too drunk to drive and I did not want anything to happen to him. I was in the bathroom changing when Zayn callled. Keenan had answered and Zayn was not a happy camper. NOEL! Who the F*** is this! Keenan ran to the bathroom and threw my phone at me. "IT'S ZAYN!" He yelled, while running away.

Hello? Yes babe. Who was that? Ummm.. That was my friend Bryan. Ok. Did you go out last night with the girls? Yea why? Just wondering. I miss you babe! How's the states? It's ok, but it would be better with you. Well babe I gotta go. I'm super tired. I'll talk to you later. I love you, noel. I love you too.

That was a close one. I hope there were no pictures of me and Keenan online. I had got a twitter notification that Zayn had tweeted. "Hey guys! How's everyone?? :) x.

I need sleep. I tweeted "Good Night World! I'll be doing a Twitcam tomorrow!" xx

Then, fatigue had taken over my body and I was asleep in minutes.

P.S. I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now