Chapter Twenty Three

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Noel's POV

After everyone had left, I was extremely exhausted. I went upstairs and laid on the neatly made bed and watched TV. Exhaustion had taken over my body and I was asleep in minutes. Who knew being pregnant would be so exhausting. Zayn had left to go handle some business.

When I woke up, Zayn was asleep next to me with his arm wrapped around my waist. I looked at the clock and it was 4 in the morning. Wow time goes by quickly when you're sleeping. My stomach starts turning which indicates I need to vomit. The only thing I hate about being pregnant is morning sickness. I move Zayn's arm and run to the bathroom. Looks like the toilet is going to be my best friend for the next six months.

"Babe, you alright," Zayn asks.

"Peachy. Just my morning sickness, like usually," I call back to him.

After I brush my teeth to get rid of the taste of vomit in my mouth I go back into bed and cuddle next to Zayn.

I lay awake in bed thinking about everything. Zayn and I, the baby, Phiona, everything. I still can't wrap my head around the thought of me becoming a mother. Just 2 years ago, I didn't care about boys or even think about having a boyfriend. When I moved to London, my plan was to start over. I wanted to forget about the past. Then, I met Zayn and the lads. I have to admit I played hard to get. Every time Zayn would ask me out or something I would come up with an excuse or something to not go. It was so funny watching him squirm and try his hardest to get me to go out with him. When I finally agreed, there was a huge smile on his face. I remember when Niall spilled the beans on him about going crazy just to get me to go on a date with him. Ever since that day, my life hasn't been the same. I remember in the beginning of our relationship we kept it secret for awhile. Zayn didn't want me to get hate. We used to sneak around and then one night he called and was like fuck it I don't care anymore. I want the world to know you're mine. I have to admit, when they went to interviews and he would say he was single it hurt, but then I would always remind myself that he's only protecting me. At one point, I thought he was ashamed of me. It was so hard moving into his flat without anyone knowing. The boys had to bring over my stuff and then that night I had to sneak over. I was just reminiscing about all the memories we've been through.

I've been awake since 4am and it is now 9. My phone beeped indicating I has a new text message. I looked at it hoping it was Phiona, but it was Perrie.

From Perrie:

It's not over bitch. You haven't won yet. He's gonna come running back to me watch.

How the fuck did she get my number? She still wants to play games, even though her and Zayn have been over for longer than 2 years. I don't get it. It's her fault she cheated on Zayn. I just don't understand. I didn't reply back because I'm not gonna play her childish games.

Zayn finally get up.

"Morning beautiful," he says ad he kisses my cheek.

I had a fangirl attack on the inside. Is it weird that I still get fangirl attacks from the littlest things he does after we've been dating for almost 3 years. If it is then I could give two shits.

"Morning," I whisper trying to hide my morning voice.

"How long have you been awake," he asks.

"Since I had to throw up this morning," I reply.

"Are you feeling better," he asks concerned.

"Yea. I just don't like constantly vomiting and shit," I say.

"I'm sorry babe," he says giving me a peck on my nose.

There's an awkward silence between us.

"What do you wanna do today," Zayn asks.

P.S. I still love youWhere stories live. Discover now