Chapter Twelve

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Phiona's POV 

After I was done talking with Noel, I was kind of irritated because she keeps running away and now she wants to go back to Hawaii, which means there's a chance she might not come back. Her and Zayn really need to figure out their relationship. When they're together, it's the kind of relationship everyone wishes for, but when they're fighting its like World War 111 because they're both stubborn.

Harry and I get into the car and drive to the nearest restaurant. He's been acting suspicious lately. "Babe, what's wrong," his raspy voice interrupts my thoughts. "Nothing, what about you? Are you ok?" I ask him faking a smile. "I'm fine." He answers.

He stops the car and turns it off signaling we're here. He gets out of the car and walks over to my side to open my door. He's such a gentleman, I don't know why anyone would call him a man whore or a womanizer. We walk into the restaurant holding hands.

A waitress leads us to table that towards the back, so we could have some privacy. She hands us our menus and takes our drink orders, well Harry's. She doesn't even acknowledge my presence. "Umm... I'll take a water," I say interrupting her conversation with Harry. "Ok" she answers while rolling her eyes. She comes back with our drinks and takes our food orders.

Finally, our food arrives and I'm starving. We eat in silence. I was deep in thought, when I was interrupted by Harry. "Phiona," he says. I look up to Harry on one knee smiling with a small ring box open. "Baby, I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you and only you. Will you marry me?" he says. "Harry.... I don't think I'm ready for that kind of commitment." I say while getting out of my chair and running outside.

What did I just do? The boy I fell in love with when I was 14 has ask me out of millions of girls to marry him and I rejected him. I remember when I used to be obsessed with him and I would always dream of meeting him one day and we would fall in love and live happily ever after. Everyone would always laugh at me because of my fantasy, but look at me now. I just said no to marrying him. "You're so dumb Phiona," I mumble to myself.

I scroll through my contact list for someone to call. My instincts tell me to call Noel because she's my best friend, but then I remembered she was still in the hospital. I need to go see her tomorrow. "Should I call Liam, Lou, Niall, Zayn, Eleanor or Dani?" I ask myself. I decided to call Zayn, since he's been anti social lately. I click on his contact and it starts to ring.

"Hello?" A girls voice answered. "Hello. Is Zayn there?" I ask nicely. "Yes. May I ask who's speaking?" She asked. "Phiona." I answered. I heard some mumbling then Zayn came on the line. "Was I bothering you?" I asked apologetically. " No. What's up sis?" He asked concerned. "Um... Is there a chance you could come to The Hemple and pick me up." I ask "Sure babe. I'll be there in a little bit." He says. "Ok. Thanks Zayn. I really appreciate it" I say. I got off the phone and sat on the sidewalk curb.

I just sat there and cried. I don't even know why I'm crying. I've been strong for so long and now it's taking a toll on me. I almost lost my best friend, I just ruined my relationship with Harry, and I don't even know what's the meaning of life anymore.

A black range river comes up to the sidewalk and stops. It's Noel's car. The person rolls down the window. "Are you gonna get in?" Zayn asks. I open the door and hop in the car.

We drive to his house. It was a silent car ride. All I did was stare out the window and cry. We stopped and I didn't even notice. Zayn comes to my side and opens the door. I can't even walk, so Zayn carries me bridal style into the house. He laid me on the couch. Noel's so lucky to have Zayn. Wait... She doesn't have Zayn. "I can't do this anymore." I say barely a whisper. "What do you mean? What's going on?" He asks concerned. "I almost lost my best friend. I just ruined my relationship with Harry. I'm a mess." I tell him. "Phiona, Noel's fine and you didn't ruin anything with Harry. You just aren't ready and he understands that. He's loves you, just like I love Noel. He'll wait and do anything for you. Remember that Phiona" Zayn says, while rubbing soothing circles on my back trying to comfort me. "How do you know?" I ask between sobs. "I know my best friends" he says smirking. I've finally stop crying and now my attention is on Zayn. "How have you been? You've been anti social ever since Noel woke up the other day." I say with a concerned expression. "I just don't know what to do with Noel. I feel like this is all my fault. I love her and always will, but I just don't know." He say starting to cry. "Zayn... I know Noel... She's going to come around soon. Just give it some time. She loves you and that's all that matters." I say. "Well... I'm gonna head to bed." He announces. "Do you think you could take me to Harry's flat in the morning?" I ask. "Yea." He answers while walking upstairs. "Zayn.... Thanks for everything." I say. "Anytime babe. Good night." He says before I drifted off to sleep.

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