Chapter Five

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Noel's P.O.V.

I got up and remembered I had a photo shoot at 10! "OMG!" I thought to myself. Then, I saw Keenan lying next to me and the memories of last night flooded my mind.

I put on some booty shorts, a t-shirt and zayn's red hoodie. I walk downstairs and grab my phone, keys and aviators.

Once I get in the car, I remembered that Keenan was still sleeping I had totally forgot about him. I don't care right now I have to be at a photo shoot in 15 mins or my manager is going to kill me. I texted my manager to grab me my Starbucks and that ill be on my way.

Once I arrive at the photo shoot, my manager is outside waiting for me with my Starbucks in hand. She tells me that there's a new model she wants me to meet. I have a major headache and I really wanna go back to sleep.

Once we are in the studio I am ambushed by multiple people. I sit down in a chair while the stylist does my hair and the makeup artist does my makeup.

My manager comes in with a girl who's beautiful. I feel so insecure when I see her. "Noel, this is Phiona!" "Hey Phiona! I reply with excitement. I think she's gonna be my new friend because she seems real and not fake like the rest of the other models i've seen. "OMG! You're ZAYN MALIK'S GIRLFRIEND!" She says really fast. "Yes! Are you a DIRECTIONER?" "yes!" She says as she sits down next to me. We make small talk and get to know each other a little better. "Hey! How about we hang out after the photo shoot? We could get lunch and go shopping or something!" I asked her. A huge smile appears on her face as she nods her head.

Once the photo shoot is done, I say goodbye to everyone and make my way to my car. Phiona is following closely behind and screams when we get to the car. "OMG! I can't believe I'm going to hang out with the NOEL MORRIS. This a dream come true!" I smile as she screams. We make small talk and I ask her a few questions. She's a really sweet girl and she loves Harry. I had gotten a call. I told her to answer it because I was driving. She started freaking out and I thought she was dead at one point.

I grabbed my phone and called Zayn back. I put him on speaker and Phiona is still fangirling. "Hey babe." Zayn says as be picks up. A smile grew on my face as he said that. "Hey!" I replied back. I was just checking on how you were holding up and how life has been without me." He says with a hint of sadness in his voice. I wanted to cry because I miss him so damn much, but then I remembered Phiona was in the car. "I'll call you later babe, I gotta go to rehearsals. Skype tonight? I wanna see your beautiful face." He says really fast, but sweet. "Ok. Text or call me, so I know when to go on." I reply. "Love you babe." He says as he hangs up.

So.... What do you wanna do? I ask Phiona after the call I just had. She stares deep into my eyes and says "everything is going to be ok. He loves you a lot." That was weird, but I needed that reassurance. I think I found my new best friend.

Zayn's POV

I had just gotten off the phone with Noel. I miss her so damn much it's not even funny. I wish I could be there right now. I wish I could hold her in my arms and play with her hair. I didn't realize until Harry came in that I was starting to tear. "Hey Zayn! You ok?" Harry asked with a confused expression. "Yea. I just got off the phone with Noel and I miss her a lot. That's all." I say softly. Harry had gotten a call and excused himself.

I don't know what's going on, but Harry doesn't seem like himself. He's always sad and grumpy. I wonder what happened. I hope Katie didn't break up with him. He loves that girl a lot.

He finally comes in and his eyes are all red and puffy. "What's wrong bud?" I ask him with a concern look on my face. "Katie broke up with me! She says she doesn't love me anymore. I don't know what I did wrong. Why does this always happen to me? Why can't I have a girlfriend like Noel! Who's there through thick and thin. Noel's so understanding and she supports you with no hesitation." He says practically yelling. "It's okay bud. You can get someone better. Maybe she wasnt the one. She's stupid because she doesn't know what she lost. And thanks for the compliments about Noel. Hands off of her though! She's mine!" I say while laughing.

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