Chapter Ten

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Noel's POV

"Leave me alone Zayn." I said while walking out the room to my car. I need to leave now. I jumped  in the car and drove. I didn't know where I was going I just kept driving. I was crying and decided to pull over. Niall kept calling, but I didn't answer. I decided to call Dani, even though she's in Spain for a dance competion. "Hey babe," her sweet voice answered. I couldn't talk for awhile. "Noel?" she asked concerned. "Dani?" my voice croaked. "What's wrong love?' she asked worried. "I don't know what to do." I say through my tears. "What do you mean?" she asked confused. "About Zayn and I." I respond. "I don't know either, babe. When Liam and I broke up, I was completely lost because I loved him. I know you love Zayn. You guys just need a break." she answered. "But, what if I dont want to get back together with him?" I asked. "That's not possible because I know you. You love that boy more than life no matter what he does to you. I gotta go. I'll call you later. Love you." she said while hanging up. "Love you too." I said.

I wanted a Starbucks, so that's where I went. When I arrived at Starbucks, I ordered and sat down. I waited for my order, but while I was waiting a cute boy came and made conversation with me. "Hey. What a pretty girl like you doing by themself?" he asked with a smirk. "Umm... just waiting for my coffee." I said simply. "I'm Alex." He said smiling. "I'm Noel." I replied. "Nice to meet you. You look very familiar." He answered with a curious look. "Well.... I am a model and I did date Zayn Malik." I responded with a smirk. "That's right. You're the girl dating the Bradford Bad Boy my sister is obssessed with." He said, while laughing. I started to giggle. My name was called and he asked for my number. Being the nice girl I am, I gave it to him. As soon as I got to my car, I had a new message.

From: Unknown Number

Heey! :D It's Alex. It was nice meeting you today we should do it again.

To: Alex :D

Hey! :D Yea we should.

From: Alex :D

How does tomorrow at 7 sound?

To: Alex :D

Great! :D See you then! :D x

I decide it's time to talk to Phiona, since I ignored her all day.


Heey! Are you busy? I need to talk to you.


Well.... Now you decided to talk to me.


Sorry. I just needed space from everyone.


I understand. Come by the house.


Okay. I'll be there in 20.

I arrive at Phiona and Harry's flat and was greeted by my best friend with open arms. No matter what I know I can count on my girls, when I need them. It was quiet, until I asked her a serious question. "Do you think me and Zayn should break up for good?" I asked with a serious face. "Honestly, I dont think so because I know you two love each other and nothing can come between you two. You guys just need a break." she said plainly. "I'm hungry." I complained. "Well... The boys are out and I'm hungry too. Let's go out." she said excitingly. "Okay." I said plainly. We head to my car and drive. We finally agree on Nandos and guess what the lads are there just great.

"Hey babe!" Harry's raspy voice yelled to Phiona. "I can't go over there." I hissed at Phiona. "Okay. Let me tell Harry." she says. "How about I just go to a hotel?" I suggested. "No. I wanna spend time with my best friend." she yelled at me. "Fine. Hurry up." I said.

Harry and Phiona talk and he nodded in understanding. "Where did Noel go?" Louis voice asked. "Ohh. She doesnt want to eat here anymore." Phiona answered. "Okay." Louis voice stated with a hint of sadness. I heard my phone ding signalling i had a new message.

From: Lou :DDDDDD

Hey love!<3 I miss you.


Hey. Sorry about earlier. I miss my BOO BEAR! :D x

From: Lou :DDDDDD

Let's hang out!


Yeaa. I would love that.

From: Lou :DDDDDD

Ok. How about thrusday? We could go shopping.(: Like old times.


Okaay. That sounds great. See you then! :D x

Phiona and I decided to go to Johnny Rockets. I'm glad we went out because we had a blast and I needed that. I had completely forgot about all the drama and spent time with my best friend not worrying about anything. I wish it could have stayed like that.

Phiona and I decided to stay at hotel. We had so much fun like old times. I told her about Alex and she encouraged me to go out with him because I was having second thoughts.

The next day, we decided to just watch movies until I needed to get ready for my date with Alex. I dropped Phiona off and met Alex at The Hemple. I walked in and the memories of the other day flooded my thoughts. Alex and I really hit it off.

Couple of weeks later....

Phiona's POV

"Hey. You wanna come to a party tonight?" I asked Noel excitingly. "Sure. Can Alex come?" She asked. "Okay, but just to let you know Zayn's gonna be there." I said hesistantly. "And??" she asked. "Whatever. I'll see you tonight." I said, while hanging up.

I don't really like Alex. Noel and Him have been dating for a couple of weeks and I know it kills Zayn, but it is what it is. Nobody likes Alex because he's suspicious. The lads are very protective of Noel and they watch Alex like a hawk. Noel gets irritated, but she doesnt understand it's for her own good. I just have this bad feeling about Alex. I decided to do research on him and I was not happy with what I found.

Zayn's POV

Noel's been seeing this boy Alex and it's killing me on the inside. I love Noel and always will. Tonight, there's a party a Harry's flat and I wonder if Noel is going to be there. I'm bringing this girl Rachel that I met last week at a M&G. I hope Alex is not going. I really wanna talk to Noel. Let's see how tonight goes.

Noel's POV

Alex and I arrive at the party hand in hand. Right when I walk in, I noticed Zayn with a girl. I just shrugged it off and said hi to everyone. Alex and I danced and then he pulled me outside. We were by ourselves and I was a bit afraid. "Hey babe. Let's go back to my place." he said roughly. "Why? We just barely got here?" I asked confused. "Because tonight you're gonna give me what I want." he said smirking. "How about No." I said while walking away back to the party. He grabbed my wrist roughly and pushed me to the ground. I screamed and he punched me in the face. I remember seeing a shadow, then I blacked out.

Zayn's POV

I saw Alex and Noel go outside, so I decided to follow them. I told Rachel I was gonna get some fresh air, she wanted to come, but I told her I needed some alone time. She's very clingy and I hate it. I followed Noel and Alex from a distance. I heard their conversation and then I saw Noel get pushed to the ground. I heard Noel scream and that's when I started running. I saw Alex punch Noel in the face and I tackled him. I heard Lou, Liam and Niall come running and if it wasn't for them I would have killed Alex with my bear hands. I was so pissed that he hit Noel. They grabbed Alex and took him to the front. They called the cops and he was arrested. The truth is Alex was on the run from America. He's known as a rapist. I grabbed Noel and ran inside. "CALL 911!" I yelled. Phiona ran to the phone and dialed 911.

In the matter of minutes, the love of my life was taken by ambulance to the hospital.

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