School.....yay! (Not)

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Waverley's POV
I wake up to my dad banging on the door yelling at, I swear, the top of his lungs. God! Does he ever shut up? Geez you don't need to yell, you could wake the whole army with his voice! "IM UP!!!" I shout to shut him up, he can be worse than a hyper girl with a sugar rush! Trust me I know. I threw off the blankets and stumbled out of bed to my closet and grabbed black skinnys, a green tank top, a blue t-shirt that's light & almost transparent, then I got my grey and blue vans. I barely made it into the bathroom without face planting before I started throwing my clothes off and hopped into the shower. 30 minutes later I stepped out into the freezing bathroom, and hurriedly dried off and got dressed, then I put on some lip gloss and mascara, before brushing my long waist-length hair that had slight waves in it. And I'm DONE!!! Yay!!!

I quickly ran out of the bathroom and grabbed my black backpack with blue & green swirls. I basically stumbled into the hallway, before I got to the stairs, were I jumped onto the railings and slid down the stairs, hopping off at the end and pushed Ash out of my way to get into the kitchen. Ignoring her outraged rant, I grabbed a plate of 4 waffles, 3 bacon strips, syrup, and a glass of OJ before sitting down at the table. And started to stuff my face. A few minutes later and my plates cleared from all it's food, and I'm stuffed. But you know how you get hungry at random times of the day? Well that's not going to happen to me because I have 5 boxes of Ritz crackers, 3 cans of cheese, 6 packages of peanut butter crackers, 2 bags of Chips Ahoy, 4 Oreo bags, and 5 boxes of fruit rolls.

I'm soooo prepared for class now, oh! Maybe I can stop at a store and get Sparkling ICE lemonade? That would make today the perfect start of school! I won't be hungry, which means I won't be grouchy, and I'll be in heaven! What could go wrong? Nothing, that's what! I'm so good! I'm snapped out of my thoughts by my dad saying, "You're going to be late if we don't leave now," followed by Ash and my groans.

"Ugg! Just because I'm prepared doesn't mean I want to go, dad! I mean like who wants to be on time? It's school! No one wants to be there, not even the nerds! And that's saying something dad! Plus we need to stop by the gas station before we head to school." I end my rant with a sheepish look. As dad just slowly puts the newspaper down on the table saying, "Ok, but if you want to make the stop we need to leave right now! Come on girls!" He jumps up and grabs the keys before speed walking out the front door with Ash and me hurriedly following. After about a 15 minute drive we stopped at the gas station, and I quickly ran in and bought 3 of my Sparkling ICE lemonade, I can't wait to drink this! It's pure heaven I'm telling you! And if you haven't tried it you haven't lived at all!!! And off to school we go! After about 10 minutes we finally pulled up to a huge two-story school with people littering all around the front, stairs, and parking lot. You would expect it to be easy to pick out certain cliches but in truth just about everyone was talking to each other like the blonde cheerleader was smiling and talking to a emo looking girl. SWEET! I can hang out with whoever I want! Oh YEAH!

When dad parks Ash and I throw our door open and jump out, then dad says, "After school we're going car shopping ok? I think it's time for you guys to drive yourselves, after all I'm no butler." He ends with a smirk, Ash and I look at each other with an evil glint in our eyes and turn back to dad with, "Are you sure? You sure look like one to me!" let that bruise his ego! Then we sauntered off leaving dad with his jaw on the ground. When he finally peeled out we both bust out laughing unaware of all the eyes being on us. After I finally calmed down I looked at Ash with a grimace and stated, "we need it find the office! Like now?" I added when she continued to laugh, I shrugged and continued to walk without her yelling, "BYE!" over my shoulder before I took of running. You might ask why I'm running? Well I'll tell you! That psychopath back there is going to try and tackle me, throw her bag at me, jump on my back, or something along those lines. So you see? I've got to outrun her if I want to live! Which I do, in case you're wondering, so yeah bye!

I see her get up out of the corner of my eyes, and run faster trying to escape before looking over my shoulder to see if she's gaining only to run into a brick wall! What has this world come to? Innocent people running away from psychopaths only to be knocked down by the Mighty Brick Wall!? I look up and glare at the wal-PERSON? In front of me. I stand up and brush my clothes off when I hear Ash coming! I swear my eyes must of been as big as plates by then. Where do I go? Where do I go! I see her running full force at me so I do what any sane person would do! I jump behind the wal-person, I meant person. I think I confused him cuz he turned his head to look at me with a questioning gaze, but my eyes were locked on Ash, he seemed to realize that I was looking at something ahead of him, and turned just in time to get run into by Ash in the stomach, Not even two seconds later we're all in a huge pile on the ground. Our groans of pain were heard through out the school, I tried to shove the wall off of me, cuz let's face it! I'm tiny compared to him! He's like at least 6"5 and probably about 250 pounds! While I'm 5"4 and I weigh 115 pounds, in case your wondering yes I'm healthy!

The wall shoved Ash off, finally! I could of been crushed! I'm too young to die! I mean who wants to die at 16? Anyway, I finally manage to shove the wall off of me, and I guess you could say I looked like a crazy lady laying on the ground gasping for breath and clawing at my sides. Yeah, not the best first impression, huh? Oh well at least it wasn't boring! After a few minutes of catching my breath, and more than a few amused/disbelieving looks later I decide to get up. I slowly got to a sitting position and was about to force my aching body up when a hand appeared out of nowhere! Is it going to eat me? Oh, what the heck? I place my hand in his, and let's just say it was tiny compared to his, and he basically picked me up off the floor! He must go to the gym! But he did it so fast the instant I was up I nearly fell again, before he grabbed my arm. When I finally got my footing I stepped back and his hand dropped, "Thanks," I say embarrassed before looking up with a smile on my face only to see.....................

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