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Waverley's pov

Sighing I glance up at everyone else, before looking back down at the ground, urrggggg I'm sooooooooooooo bored! I mean I have a drama filled life, and I'm still bored, there has to be something wrong with me! I mean seriously, my life is filled with new, exciting crap yet here I am wanting to bang my head on the floor just to be able to do something, this right here, is sad. Oh well we should probably be doing something, anything, we've been sitting here, in silence might I add, for two hours straight! Sighing again, I stand up abruptly catching everyone by surprise, and announce, "I'm bored! We need to do something!" I end with a huff, crossing my arms. I stare intently at everyone waiting for some sort of idea as to what to do, when none came forward I exclaim, "WELL?!"

"We could go to an ice cream parlor 🍦🍨🍧!!!" "Or we could go out to eat lunch?" "How about pranking the city?" "Why not go swimming?!" Instantly perking up at the last one I question, "Swimming?🏊🏻" with a excited smile stretched across my face, looking around I glance hopefully at everyone to see them nod in agreement. Squealing, I take off running down the stairs, barely avoiding running into any walls, I race them to the water. Obviously I get there first, and wait, and wait, and wait, before Alex comes running around the corner, followed by Max, who was closely followed by a panting Ash. Geez! That girl needs to work out more, I haven't even broken a sweat!😅

Smiling I turn and dive into the inviting cool sparkling blue water, swimming in a circle I then straighten out and shoot out of there like the devil himself was on my heels. Forgetting about everything, I speed up a little smiling. Oh how I wish I could stay in the water forever, it seems like all my problems are gone when I'm swimming. Then a realization hit me, I've been underwater for over 5 minutes!!! How the HECK IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE??!!?! Oh my gosh, maybe I'm part fish?! Slowing down I wait for the rest of them to arrive, geez they're slow it's been three minutes!!!!! THREE FREAKING MINUTES!!!!!!!!!! How long does it take to swim a few meters?!?

~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~

After swimming for three hours, eating, and pulling a few pranks on random people we decided to go our separate ways and head home, seeing as it was past 7pm. Walking up the steps leading to our home I felt this weird sort of tugging inside of me, what the heck?! Glancing over my shoulder, my eyes come in contact with the trail that leads to my haven, and the tug turns from barely noticeable to in ignorable. It was almost painful, looking over at Ash I realize I'd have to wait to go to my haven, causing my breath to catch. I hope everyone will be asleep soon, because I don't know how much longer I can resist the pull to my haven. It's almost as if some unknown force is pulling me towards it, as strange as that sounds.

Sighing I wait for Ash to unlock the door, tapping my foot impatiently. Ohh, the waiting is going to be the death of me, I mean I'm not very patient so this is like the ultimate punishment to me. Following Ash inside, I softly close the door, fake yawning. "I'm going to bed Ash see you in the morning," I tell Ash while making my way up the stairs to my room. Once in my room, I quickly lock the door and press my ear against the cold hard door, listening for any signs of someone being up. After about 10 excruciating minutes, I hear nothing but dad's loud snores and Ash's music playing, the coast is clear finally! Quietly creeping over to my window I pull it up, wincing as it loudly squeaked I immediately stiffen. Pausing, I wait for someone to come pounding on my door, listening, I continue to wait. Hearing no change in dad's even snores and Ash's soft music, I let myself relax, sighing in relief I turn back to the window and open it the rest of the way before stealthy climbing out. Crawling onto the thick dark branch, that's right beside my window, I turn slightly and pull the window almost all the way down, only leaving a small gap at the bottom.

Climbing the rest of the way down, I made it to the ground without anybody catching me. I didn't realize that I was moving again, until I reached the trail, deciding not to fight the pull any longer, I took off running down the uneven trail causing me to losing my footing more than once. My glowing blue hair and the full moon above me are my only sources of light, using them to light my path and guide me, I arrive soon after at the cliff. Looking over the water i gasp in awe. The water looked black, almost as if it could suck you right in with the moon casts a slight glow over the water, almost as if it was inviting you in, and the thin grey clouds gliding over the bright glow, dimming it but allowing stars to shine threw. The sight was beautiful, damn I wish I had my camera with me.

Staring for a few minutes, I decide it's time to keep moving, forcing my gaze away from the breathtaking sight in front of me I continue my way down the cliff at a slower pace. Reaching the bottom I kick off my shoes and remove everything but my swimsuit, and walk into the water staring at the moon. The waves gently pushed against my feet at first, before inching their way up, until only my head and neck were still visible.

(Unknown pov)

Wow, she's beautiful! I can't wait to finally meet her, but she probably doesn't know I even exist. Sighing, I turn to my best friend, he's a vampire and I'm pretty sure you know him, "Alexander we need to wait a little bit longer, she hasn't changed yet." He still looks confused, well I am too, shouldn't she of changed by now? Staring down at her, I am almost blinded by her almost completely white hair which is glowing. I didn't know we could do that, or maybe she's just special? I don't know, but I can't wait to meet her again, I wonder what she's like? I mean it's been 13 years since I've last seen her, i hope that she can forgive me. Oh well, I can't think like that right now, I have to protect her like I should of done for the last thirteen years. Sitting down, I go on high alert for anything that could harm her, with Alexander beside me watching her. Does he know her? I guess I'll have to watch him too.
Alexander's or Alex's POV

How does he know her? I mean he's my best friend and all, and when he asked me to help him with something I jumped right on it, but if he tries anything I'd kill him. I know he's almost like a brother to me, but she's mine, and I protect what's mine. I wonder what he means by 'she hasn't changed yet?' Is that like one of his weird merman powers? And yes, I said merman, they do exist! Glancing out of the side of my eyes, I look into his sea green eyes, which are light, concern, and are alert. What? I think I'm missing something really important right now! I guess I could ask him later, when we're at home. Shaking my head, I start to search for any threats around.

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