Rescue Mission; part 2

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Waverley's POV

Too long, it's been way too long.....oh gawd, I hope he's ok, even though he's probably not. I just wish I could of saved him from going through anything too traumatizing, but looks like I failed at that too...

-Way, it's not your fault, ok? Just keep going and you'll be able to save him.

Yeah you're right, You're always right. Ok, thanks Storm you're the best....

-But a word of caution; when you get there, be smart and think, with your brain, not your heart... As hard as that may be, ok?

I'll try Storm, for you I'd try anything, but I don't think I'll succeed.... So please help make sure I don't do anything too stupid, ok?

-I'll try Way, but it's ultimately up to you..... Now pay attention before you wreck or something..

Sure thing Storm, returning my attention back to the road, I swerve between more cars, before taking a sharp left turn, cutting in front of two cars, into an alley that leads to the outskirts of town, leaving the sound of screeching tires behind us. Reaching the end of the alley in no time, I slam on the brakes, ignoring the cusses thrown my way from the backseat. Throwing it into park, I cut the engine and hop out of the jeep, ready to run/walk to our next destination. Grabbing my bag, I quickly grab my twin katanas (Japanese swords), and sheath them on my hips for easy access.

Going into 'Solider' mode, I motivate my 'team' to go faster, but I won't tell you how that's my secret but I bet you can come up with some awesome/crazy/imaginative ideas as to what I did...

After we were geared up, I went over the plan one last time,

"Ok, so Alex, Dad you are on take out duty, River you're on watch out/get away driver duty, and I'll find Seb. We want to do this as simply as possible, so we get in, find Seb, and get the hell out of there and we'll meet up here in say 30 minutes, got it? If we need more time, or less, we'll all be wearing ear pieces to contact each other with, which will also alert us when time is up, any questions?"

Looking around at their shocked faces, I wait, knowing that one of them would say something. Alex, seemingly to recover first, raised his hand cautiously, almost as if he was afraid I was going to bite his head off for asking a question. Nodding in acknowledgement, he opens his mouth and blurts out, "Where the hell did you get the ear pieces? Like seriously, I looked everywhere for some and couldn't find any!!!!"

Smirking, I sassily/mysteriously say, "I have better contacts than you, to put it simply..." as I look down at my fingernails, as if I had all the time in the world. Before going back to our earlier conversation, "Ok, so anymore questions?" Receiving a round of 'nos' from everyone but Alex, who was questioning me about my contacts, I nod and tell them to gear up, we're leaving in two minutes exactly, if not sooner...

~~~Time Skip~~~

Surrounding the seemingly abandoned barn in the middle of a wooded area, we all stealthily creep forward, silently making our way up to the doors, we decided on the way over that Dad and Alex we're going in first, followed by me, while River sat up in a tree, by our camouflaged car, to watch out for any new comers/potential threats.

Alex, using his vamp strength, busted the doors down, with Dad coming in right behind him with his guns blazing, taking out at least 10 targets, as Alex dropped to the ground. Slowly, I put my back against the wall, and start sliding passed people unnoticed, using my dad as a distraction, as messed up as that sounds...

Getting out of the firing zone, I quickly glance around trying to guess where Seb might be. The layout of this floor, is basically filled with crates stacked up against the far back wall, guns hung up on the left wall (as if they were prepared for an invasion), and the right wall had a stairway built into it, so my guess is he's up there. Crouching, I move stealthily as possible to the stairwell, narrowly avoiding getting shot, by whom? I haven't the slightest clue...

At the bottom of the stairs, I hear a muffled scream, wide eyed, I practically flew up the stairs, only to see Seb strapped onto an off-white stretcher/table, with a brunette 'nurse' injecting him with a bright purple liquid, with, red?, swirls dancing around in it. What the hell?!

Snapping out of my shock, I grab my katanas and run up to her, taking out two or three guards on my way. Swinging my katanas at her, I land a decent sized gash on her dominant arm, that should prevent her from doing anything too harmful for awhile, and a small cut right above her eye. Shocked, she turns towards me with an icy glare that could kill, if glares could kill people anyway...

Ignoring her glare, I slip one katana back into its' sheath, and grabbed my tazer, without her seeing it of course. Putting myself between her and Seb, I wait with one katana raised in front of me for protection, hearing loud foot steps echo up the steps, both of our heads snap in that direction, only to see Dad, who looked pretty beat up, running up them. Gasping, I look back towards the nurse, to see her pointing a gun at him, oh no... Where the hell did she get a freaking gun??!

Lurching forward, I barely touch her forearm before the gun goes off. But what happened next shocked me to no end, the nurse, she fell to the ground with a red stain slowly blossoming outwards. Gaping, i smile and turn towards Seb, quickly cutting his bindings, I swing my head towards my dad with an amazed smile, only for it to be wiped off my face instantly.

Time seemed to stop, as I saw, there, laying on the ground was my dad, my invincible dad, the one who was supposed to help me through my first heartbreak, walk me down the isle on my wedding day, who was supposed to grow old and be a grandpa, the man who always did what he thought was best, even if it didn't make sense at first, the same man I couldn't live without.....

Forgetting about Seb, I run over towards him, crying my eyes out, all the while screaming my heart out, "NO, DADDY!!!! NO, NO, NO, NO, NOOOOOOO!" Dropping to the ground, I lean over my dad, tears streaming down my face and dripping down onto his bloodied one. "Please Daddy, come on, please stay awake, you're going to be just fine, everything's going to be ok. Just please keep your eyes open.." My voice cracking towards the end, as I try to smile reassuringly down at him.

This wasn't supposed to happen......

"W-wave-rley, I-it's g-go-ing to-o be o-ok, y-you-ll b-e s-s-safe.... A-lex pr-prom-ised m-me." He rasped out, blood dribbling down his chin as he did so, what?! "W-what?! D-dad wh-at a-re y-you talk-ing ab-out? What did A-lex pro-mise? Wh-at d-o y-ou   m-mean? Wh-at ar-e you saying? DAD!!!" I scream, as his eyes start to flutter closed. "NO!!! DADDY PLEASE, OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES, PLEASE, please Dad, I need you, I don't know what I'd do without you, please don't leave me...."

"I-t's o-ok, re-mem-ber, I-I'll al-ways l-lo-ve y-you..." He whispered with love filled eyes, before his head lolled back, and his eyes closed for the last time with finality. "NOOOO, DADDY PLEASE NO, OH GOD NO!!!!! YOU CANT LEAVE ME!!!!" Sobbing, I curl up on his chest, crying my heart out, as I feel my heart shatter into a million little shards. After what felt like hours, but was probably mere seconds, arms wrapped around me, pulling me off my dad. Whispering in my ear, "I'm sorry Blue, but we have to go," screaming, I thrash around trying to escape my brother's imprisoning arms.


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