The Change

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Waverley's POV

A tingling feeling crept across my body, making me giggle, yes I know I'm a weird child! But you know that feeling you get when your foot falls asleep? Well, it's like that but all over my body and two times as tingly, and it feels really weird. Deciding to ignore the feeling, I smile and start swimming, taking a small mouthful of oxygen in, I dive under the waves and looked around. Seeing small silver fish hugging the sandy floor, I swam towards them as stealthily as I possibly could, considering I'm in water. Coming to a stop right next to one, internally freaking out, I mean who can honestly say they went swimming and got this close?! Slowly lifting my hand I run my fingers over its' smooth silver scales, enjoying the feeling, I let a smile grace my face. Reluctantly removing my hand, I swim back to the surface with a huge grin finally taking over my face.

Suddenly, I felt like singing, I know what you're thinking, OH GOD SHE'S GOING TO SUCK!!! Well, so not true! It's one of the few things I can actually do, but I don't sing in front of people, I mean I'm good at it, but I only sing when I'm really happy, bored, sad, or lonely but I have to be alone when I sing. I don't know why, but I just can't sing in front of anybody, not even my dad or Ash. Tilting my head up, I start to sing looking up at the full moon,

"Musing through memories losing my grip in the grey numbing the senses I feel you slipping away fighting to hold on clinging to just one more day love turns to ashes with all that I wish I could say,

I'd die to be where you are I tried to be where you are,

Every night I dream your still here the ghost by my side so perfectly clear when I awake you'll disappear back to the shadows with all I hold dear with all I hold dear I dream you're still here I dream you're still here,

Hidden companion phantom be still in my heart make me a promise that time won't erase us that we were not lost from the start,

I'd die to be where you are I'd tried to be where you are,

I dream you're still here ever slightly out of reach I dream you're still here but it breaks so easily I try to protect you I can't let you fade,

I feel you slipping I feel you slipping away."

Unknown POV

Wow, that was beautiful! Not even I can sing that good! She's really talented, I'll give her that, I just hope one of her talents is to be able to defend herself. I know I haven't officially met her again, but I really hope 'they' don't go after her anytime soon, even though I know 'they' will. That's why I'm here, I'm going to keep her safe even if it kills me. But right now all I can do is watch and wait, speaking of waiting why hasn't she changed? It's been an hour! The normal changing time is 20 minutes max, so why hasn't she transformed? This is so confusing, maybe Mom is right, maybe she will be the one to save us. But that's a lot of responsibility for such a young girl, especially her.

Sighing, I tore my eyes from her and glanced at my best friend, guess I should get some answers out of him now while I still can. Scanning the surroundings, I causally ask, "So, Alex? How do you know her?" Watching him out of the corner of my eye, I see him stiffen before answering, "Well, she kicked the sh*t out of some of my friends for making fun of her dad. 😓" he admitted shamefully, before continuing, "Then she bumped into me at school and slapped me. I also found her crying on the f*cking beach, questioning why people change when you think you know them inside f*cking out, that's sorta when our friendship started. And she showed me her personal hideout, and earlier today we hung out with Max and Ash. HECK, She even knows what I am and still treats me normal!"

Looking at him with my mouth wide open, I question, "HOW THE F*CK DID SHE FIND OUT WHAT YOU ARE??!!" He's been around for about 260 years and no one's ever found out what he is, yes he's that good at hiding things, so yeah this is a shock. Giving him my full attention, I wait for him to tell me, but he looks just as confused as I am. He lifted his gaze from his lap to meet my stare head on, "All I know is one minute she's showing me around her cave, then the next she's pulling out a black notebook that writes by itself! I'm not messing around either! It literally wrote 'He's a vampire' with a f*cking arrow pointing right at me!" "WHAT THE F*CK?! How in the world did it do that? It's not possible! Even for us, supernaturals!" I shout, wide eyed, looking at him I see him shaking his head in disbelief, "I don't know, man, I really don't." Sighing I except his answers, before going back to watching her, I've waited soooooo long to finally see her again I just wish it was under better circumstances.

Waverley's POV

I felt like I was being watched, but that's not even the weirdest part! The weird thing about it was I felt, oddly, protected? This can't be normal! WHY, OH WHY DID I HAVE TO BE A WEIRD CHILD!?!😔 Oh well, I'm over it, now why someone would watch me, I haven't the slightest idea. I mean, I'm really boring, and a typical teenager! Okay, maybe not the last part but you get my point right? Anyway, moving on..................

I'm not going to even try and pinpoint the person watching me, cuz seriously, 1) I'm too lazy, and 2) have you seen how many good hiding spots there are out here especially at night?! It would be useless to even try, a total waste of time, and I only have soooo much time I can continue to stay here until someone wakes up, and I need at least some sleep! I mean like, who doesn't? So I'll have to leave soon. After realizing this the tingling seems to intensify to were it almost became painful, gasping, I look down at my body in confusion. WHAT THE HECK JUST HAPPENED?! Not wanting to test this tingly feeling I start to swim closer to shore, just now noticing how far I've swam out. I wonder what this feeling is? Shaking my head, I continue to swim, stroking the dark water causing ripples to appear. Not wanting to go home just yet, I swim up to where I could touch before walking out of the water and sitting down just out of the waters reach. Staring out at the ocean, I suddenly feel lightheaded, what's happening now? Groaning, I try ignoring it, and let's just say I failed miserably. Groaning again, I decide to float in the water, maybe that'll help, if not I won't go in too deep.

As soon as I stood up again the tingling became painful, gasping, I hunch over holding my midsection trying to stop from crying out. If you haven't noticed, this crap hurt like heck! Another wave of pain washed over me, bringing me to my knees in the cold water. The water instantly took the pain away from my legs, where the waves lapped up, dragging myself further into the waves I await yet another painful shock, that I somehow knew was coming. My body soon was overwhelmed with pain, and the only thing that crossed my mind was that I had to go deeper in, so I did just that.

The pain was dulled slightly, but was still very VERY noticeable. Stopping, once I was neck deep I took a deep breath before plunging into the dark waves below, making my hair glow brighter. Letting myself sink to the sandy floor below, I curled up in a fetal position, not noticing anything but the pain coursing through my body in agonizing waves. When out of nowhere my legs seem to stick together, freaking out I uncurled myself from my fetal position and propped myself up by my elbows. Only to fall back down in disbelief at what I saw, my legs were frantically stitching themselves together by this electric blue web-like substance, freaking out even more I curl up hoping that this is some sort of messed up dream. Only to release a noiseless scream into the water, I know I was crying but that did no good seeing as all it did was join the ocean in its constant calming cycle. Scrunching my eyes shut, I feel my legs morph into one. Feeling the pain slowly ebb away I open my eyes before glancing down, and as if it wasn't bad enough, blue and silver scales started sprouting out of my legs! I know I've said this before, but, WHAT THE HELL IS HAPPENING?! Growing increasingly confused, I watch my legs transform into a, I'll admit gorgeous, blue tail with silver outlining every scale. My attention was yanked away from the tail as my forearms started to burn, almost like when you lift a bunch of weights for too long. Staring wide eyed, I watch as silver swirls appear on them. Wow, just wow!

Shaking my head, I thought the most ridiculous thought ever, I KNEW I was part fish🐠🐟🐬!!! Smiling, I start to try and attempt to swim like the mermaids off of H2O, flipping myself over to where my belly was scraping the sandy ocean floor, I bring my arms straight in front of me before laying my hands on top of each other and started to move my tail up and down. Instantly shooting forward, I start heading up, not noticing the slight difference of the weight of my hair. Breaking threw the surface, I started to laugh, this is AMAZING!!! I feel

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