My Brother, Sebatian?!

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Ok, sorry but here's something to help clear up some questions. When I put this - and bold after, that is Storm speaking inside of Waverley's head, ok? Thanks and sorry for disturbing your reading............
Unknown POV

Did she just seriously ask that? I threw a werewolf, that was about to eat her, off of a cliff, and that's what she says? Wow, just wow. Looking down at her hopeful face, I couldn't keep it in anymore, bursting out laughing, I somehow, miraculously, choke out, "Y-you w-an-t m-y aut-autograph?!? W-hy?" With tears in my eyes I look up at her from my hunched over form, waiting for her answer, as she stared at me like I was the best thing in the world. It was kinda weird, it was an almost.......worshiping look, or maybe I'm seeing things? I mean, I HAVE pictured the moment when I'd meet her again, it could be my imagination playing tricks on me...

Waverley's POV

He doesn't know how AWESOME he is? How in the world, does he not know how cool that was? Damn, now I wanna try it😓.....

-Oh no you're not! The only reason we're alive right now is because of him! So don't even think about it! Ya hear?

Yes Storm, right away Storm, I think sarcastically. Noticing that he's finally got his laughter under control, I blocked out Storm's lectures and zoned back in on my savior. Oh, right I haven't answered him yet, oops!? "Umm, do you not realize how cool that was? Like seriously, you could have your own tv show!!! Oh my gosh, you should totally have a tv show!!! That would be AWESOME!!! Hmmmmm, what would we name it though? Earth's Angel? No," shaking my head I start to pace musing my thoughts out loud, "The Unkown? Nope, Truth Unveiled? No, no, n-" when suddenly he interrupted me, "Um, you know that'll never happen, right?" Looking up at him, I'm sure I look crestfallen as I whisper, "So I'm not getting a autograph?"

His eyes widen, as he instantly started to wave his hands around like a crazy person, he was obviously backtracking, I don't know why. If he doesn't want to give me an autograph, it's his choice, he doesn't need to let me down slowly. Letting out a soft sigh, I say, "It's ok," and turn around and start to walk away from him. Ignoring the stuttering mess behind me, I walk up to Alex. "Well, I need to go home, see ya tomorrow, ok?" He just nods and pulls me into a small hug, after a few seconds he releases me while whispering, "Bye," into my ear. Giving him a tiny smile, that barely pulled the corners of my mouth up, I start walking down the path. Leaving them both standing there, one still a blubbering mess, and the other slightly angry, I don't know why so don't bother asking me what's going on, as I disappear into the still dark woods.

Alex's POV

Silently, I watch as Wave leave, shaking in pure anger. Once I know she's out of sight and hearing range, I stalk over to my friend, "WHY THE F*CK DID YOU DO THAT!?!" When he was within my reach, I shoved him roughly before pace in front of him, every now and then shouting at him. "You know what?" I say as I finally calm down enough to look at him, "What?" He says looking hesitant and guilty. "She hardly ever gets that excited." I say sadly, shaking my head in disappointment. And when she does it makes you want to do anything to see her that excited again, I mean she hardly even smiles. Sure she fakes a lot, but her real smiles, you almost never see. Closing my eyes, I slowly deflate, before slumping down on the hard ground with him following reluctantly, like he expects me to blow up. We're sitting in silence, before he breaks it, "What do you mean?" He asks curiously, making my frown deepen, "She just puts up an act, she's hardly ever, truly happy, I don't know why. I wish I did though......." If I knew what was hurting her I'd do anything to fix it. Looking away from the ocean, I glance at him, he looks deep in thought wonder why? Oh well, it's time to go, the sun will be up soon...........

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