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Waverley's POV

We just got picked up by dad and are now on the highway making our way to the closest car dealers ship here, so now me and Ash are in the back seat singing I'm So Excited at the top of our lungs and dancing. Not the best to try when your in a small car but oh well, as we pull on the highway we earned plenty of disbelieving looks from our fellow car people. Ignoring them we continue doing what we were doing, pulling off the highway we drive up a short drive way under a yellow sign that read, 'Tony's Rides' in red.

As dad parked in front of a small building with windows taking up most of the brick wall, a short man with blonde hair walked out to met us, dressed in grey slacks and a red button down shirt wearing sunglasses. He walked up to us and introduced himself when we piled out of the car. Me and Ash were too busy looking at the rows of cars to jump into their short conversation, before dad walked up to us and placed his hands on each of our shoulders and spoke, "Well girls, go have at it!" Before walking off towards the building. I looked at ash in excitement as I bounced on the balls of my feet, she was swinging her gaze all over the place before meeting my gaze with her green eyes shinning in anticipation, excitement, and happiness, and we both squealed and took off into the first row of cars in front of us.

Sam's (Dad's) POV

I watch in amusement as my two girls squealed and ran into a row of cars, a laughed bellowed out of both Tony and me. He looked at them for another second and turned towards me with a genuine smile on his face and questions, "Do they always act like this?" I shake my head, smiling, "You have noooo idea, Tony, nooooooo idea!" A deep belly laugh echoed through the cozy building before nodding for me to take a seat. "How long do you think they'll stay this intergetic?" He asked as he sat down in his black rolling chair, I looked him in the eye and said, "You really want to know?" Tony eagerly nodded I huffed out a laugh, "They could be this intergetic even if it was the end of the world."
Ash's POV

I can't believe he's letting us get a Car!!!! Currently Wave and I are bouncing between cars looking for the perfect one, and seeing how all these cars look new, I think we will find one we love, personally I want a blue or green one. I wonder what kind of car Wave's looking for? I hope it's not a bug!!! We pick another row of cars, twisting and turning down a seemly never ending path until we reach the middle-ish and I catch a glimpse of neon green, twisting my head to get a better look I stopped.

"Hey Wave? I think I found something!" I shout, maneuvering my way around a minivan and a too bright red car until I stop in front of THE car. It had a bright blue body with neon green flames licking up the hood and sides, and black leather on the inside it kinda looked like a Jaguar but I'm not sure. A squeal took my attention off the car and to my right were Wave stood jumping up and down like a hyper kid in a candy store.

I couldn't help but laugh and say, "This is PERFECT!!!!"

All I got in return was an awed nod from Waverley.
Sam's POV

I wonder if they've found anything yet, leaning back in the comfortable leather chair I sigh. I'm hope they find something here I don't want to waste another trip to 'Jerry's HotRods' I mean the name screams, 'this is a scam if you want to waste money come here!' I jump as my ringtone goes off playing Its My Life by Bon Jovi, a smile slips onto my face as I check the caller ID, both Ash's and Waverley's names popping up. I motion Tony to come over and put it on speaker when answering. "Hello gi-," I start before getting cut of by their high-pitch squealing, both Tony and I wince as I hold the phone away from us.

After a few deafening minutes they stopped squealing and started to shout, "OMG OMG OMG I LOVE IT!!!! ITS SOOOOOO PERFECT!" Tony and I started to laugh and I asked them, "I'm glad, but could you guys turn down the volume please?" They mumble something to each other before talking to is again, "Dad we found it and we're sending a picture to you right now ok? So CHECK IT NOW!!!" I immediately start to check my texts and find a picture of a bright blue and green Jaguar. It was sooo bright I had to close my eyes before I went blind too!

I say into the phone, "This is it" "YEP!!!" They shout popping the 'p'. I look over at Tony to see him smiling and said to my girls, "As long as y'al like it we'll get it ok?" They thanked me repeatedly before I finally hung up laughing.

~~~~~~~~~~15 min later~~~~~~~~~
Waverley's POV

We finally got everything ready and payed for and now Ash is driving us home in our new car! I mean how awesome is that? We don't have to put up with some of dads horrible music anymore, sure he has some good taste like Bon Jovi but that's it! Soon we're pulling up into our driveway behind dad and the gates swing closed, as we park I hop out and run through the house and into my room.

I walked over to my closet and grabbed my sea green bikini, heading into the bathroom I quickly change and threw cut off shorts and a white tank top on over it, pulling my hair up into a ponytail I slipped on a pair of purple flip flops. Grabbing a towel, a sketch book, some pencils, and stuffing them into a small beach bag I skip down the stairs out the door yelling, "BYE DAD, ASH! IM GOING OUT!!! ILL BE BACK IN A HOUR OR SO!" before slamming the door.

I circle around the house following the main path until reach the woods, I walk under the towering trees just listening to the birds singing, the wind ruffling leaves, and other wildlife feeling utterly at peace. I continue down the slightly uneven dirt trail til I reach a fork in the path, after thinking about it I decide to continue going straight. Soon the trees start to thin out, the path gets more rocky, and the sounds of the birds are blocked out by the crashing of waves against rocks.

I go to push through a bush that's started to grow on the trail I tripped on a root, barely catching myself before I stumble out into a clearing at the edge of the cliff, looking over the ocean I can't help but smile at the sun slowly creeping down and yellow, orange, and red hues of the sky reflect off the water. I snap out of my gawking and look around the cliff to see a small barely there trail leading to the side of the cliff. I follow it until it reaches rock stairs with moss, and some steps are slowly crumbling, leading down onto a small isolated beach. Not being able to contain my excitement I let out a loud squeal, silencing any wildlife that was near the cliff side.

Running down the stairs I couldn't help but think for the second time that day..............


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