Unexpected change?

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Hi my name is Waverley Ocean Bay, I'm 16. I have pale bleach-blond hair (almost looks white), with purple & blue highlights, all of this is natural by the way, and tan skin. So no I don't dye my hair but people think I do so I let them think that. I'm skinny & I am an awesome actor when I need to be, & I can make up reasonable lies up in no time. My birthday is June 17, so no school, lol. And me and dad are moving! Joy, note the sarcasm! Let's go back to this morning when I found out, shall we?
11:35 am___________________________________________________
I bound down the stairs wearing cut-off faded blue shorts, a teal tank-top, & blue converses. Swing off the stairs I turn left into the kitchen and chirp, "Hi Dad!" My dad's at the oven flipping pancakes, but looks over his shoulder to smile at me, "Mornin' Sweetheart! Breakfast is almost done get the orange juice out, will yah?" I obey and grab two glasses from the cabinet, and the OJ from the top shelf in the refrigerator. I skip over to the island and place the cups there, and fill them to the top. Putting the OJ back I shut the door & lean against the island and grab a glass siping the heavenly liquid when my dad says, "Sweetheart, we need to talk after breakfast ok?" My witty reply is, "Ok, but not one second before!" In a horrible British accent that end in laughter. Thing is I've never heard my dad sound so serious, that's not good! I wonder what it could be? I take a seat at the island when my dad places 2 pancakes drowned in syrup in front of me. Let's just say that was the last anybody ever saw them! :'(

I lean back after devouring the pancakes patting my full yummy with a content sigh, while my dad is watching me in amusement. "Good?" Oh yeah, "You have noooo idea dad, not a clue how good those were!" I all but moan out, causing him to laugh. When I notice he wasn't eating, "Umm, dad?" "Yeah, sweetheart?" "Why aren't you eating? And what was it that you wanted to talk about?" He gaze hardens slightly so I know automatically I'm not going to like it, and he says, "I already ate, and what I'm about to tell you I serious so no joking, ok?" I gulp, you see my dads usually a cool laid-back kind of guy so yeah, this is serious. I nervously nod, "ok, what is it?" "Well sweetheart we're moving-" "WHAT!!!??" I shout out, which earns me a glare from my dad as he continues, "-to Cove, California. (It's a real place but it's Shelter Cove, California)." "What?! NO! I'm not leaving! Do you know how hard it is for me to friends & just think about all the catching up I'll have to do, then what about the swim team?! Don't you see dad I C-A-N-T leave! They need me!" I rant after I hear the news. "Well too bad Waverley, we are leaving on Saturday so you better get packing! And tell your friends about this arrangement & if you'd just give this a chance maybe you'd like it?! You never know until you try it." He states firmly leaving no room for argument, before whispering as an afterthought, "Your mother loved it there, maybe you'll grow to love it too? So just give it a chance, & we're moving back into your mom's and I's house down there." I automatically freeze when he mentioned mom, he never talks about her! Like, ever, is she why we're moving back? Because he misses her so much even after she left us? What's wrong with him? She didn't want us, so why do we have to mourn over her leaving? I get that he loves her but obviously she didn't love us enough to stay, so why should we give up our lives just to go chasing back to where she left us? Is he still doubting that she left of her own free-will?, i look up at dad, and speak with sadness and anger in my voice, I shout, "Dad she isn't coming back!!! Ok? She didn't love us enough to stay, so get over it! We have a life here, and she has a life somewhere else without us in it! She moved on, it's time you do too. I'm sorry dad, I really am, but we can't keep moving around hoping it was all just a mistake! She left, and she isn't coming back." I end in a whisper. I look at my dad's face with regret and say, "you need to move on." As I turn and run up the stairs and take a right and go to the last door and shove the blue door open, and roughly slam it closed again. Before I finally bust out crying.

How could he do this to me? I thought he said he would always do what was best for me?! If he thinks moving is what's best for me he's mental! And mom........why is he still hung up about her? She left him, she left us, and I'm pretty sure she's not coming back. I mean why would she? If she loved us she wouldn't of left, and we'd be one big happy family. And dad he wouldn't be so sad, he thinks I don't know but I do, he never really got over mom. And he probably never will, but that doesn't mean he can just expect me to be alright with it! I mean she's my mom, and I'm over her already he should be too! I mean it's not like she's going to come back, but I'm here and I've tried so hard to make him happy why can't he see? I'm here she's not! And he's still picking her over me! I can't believe this! He loves her even when she left him crying on their front porch screaming for her, and here I am, and I haven't left him, yet he still chooses her, why? Am I not good enough? Am I that unloveable? Am I that unbearable? If so........"I'm sorry" I whisper as I hear the door creak and my dad's heavy footsteps, my eyes flutter close and I succumb to the darkness creeping in slowly.

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