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Four months later..........

Waverley's POV

Laying on my bed, I take the time to sort out everything that's happened in the last four months: I met my mom, Seb woke up (finally), Ash and Max started dating (two months ago to be precise), Alex gave me a promise ring (insert squeal here), River moved in, Seb asked River out (again, finally), River said yes (obviously), and well, we've all slowly started to cope with my dad's death, don't get me wrong, we still have those moments when we expect to walk in the kitchen to see him cooking, but we've gotten better.

Hearing a knock on my window, I sit up, only to see Alex grinning mischievously at me.

-oh no, that can't be good....

You're right, is it ok to be scared? Cuz I'm terrified right now.... I silently ask Storm, as I debate wether to open the window or not, I mean he's not going to suddenly decide to join the creepypasta's and kill me right? Oh my gosh, what if the creepypasta's are real? That would be soooooo cool! I wonder if I'd get to meet Eyeless Jack, Slenderman, Jeff the Killer, Ben Drowned, Smileydog, or Sally?

-umm, sorry to break this to yah, but I don't think that the creepypasta's are real... And your boyfriend is getting anxious, so you better hurry up and decide.

Oh, oops... Laughing sheepishly, I get up and open the window, before stepping aside to give him enough space to fall in. Landing in a heap, I hurriedly close the window and lock it, I hope Mom didn't hear him come in....

"Urggg," Alex groaned from the floor, giggling at his pain, I cover my mouth hoping to muffle it. "Don't laugh at me......" He huffed out annoyed at me, before seemingly remembering his propose for coming here at 11:05 pm.

Standing up he started to make his way to my bed, before flopping down on it with a serious expression on his face, "Wave, I overheard Ash on the phone earlier today..... And, um, well...." He started to fidget and trail off.

"What? What's wrong?" I ask kinda scared, what if my sister's doing drugs? Or is a pimp? Or partying? Or secretly plotting world domination? Or joining the creepypasta's? Oh gawd, I hope none of these are true.....

"She's ok, but I heard her talking about, a-a long term..........r-road-d t-tr-ip, without us...." Seeing my hurt and confused expression, he hurried on, "But I think she's taking Max with her... I know that doesn't make this better, but I think it'd be good for her, she needs this, and you know it, too."

Sighing, I slump down in defeat, "I know, but is it too selfish to want her to stay with me forever?" I whimper out, sitting down on the edge of my bed. Scurrying up, Alex gently cups my face, "No Wave, it's not, but she needs this, she has her own way of coping, and it's not like yours. She likes to ignore things and hope they go away or get better. I think this'll be good for her, maybe it'll teach her that she can't hide forever."

Sniffling, I wipe a few traitorous tears away, "Why did you have to go all Doctor Phil on me?" While letting out a weak laugh. Grinning, he whispers, "Because you love it?" Full out laughing, I smile looking up at him, "Thank you Alex, I don't know what I'd do without you, especially these last few months."

"Any time Wave, after all, you look after those you love." He says back with a caring smile, before hugging my shocked body, and jumping out of my window.

Did he just say he loves me?

~~~Time Skip~~~
The next day
10:45 am
Ash's POV

Pacing, I work out all the possible scenarios that could happen when I tell Mom, Wave, Sebastian, River, and Alex that I'm leaving for awhile, and don't know when I'll come back.

1) they get really mad and disown me
2) they kick me out and never want to see me again
3) they kill me
4) they tie me up and throw me off the cliff
5) they understand and let me be
6) they never speak to me again

Sighing, I run a hand through my slightly tangled red hair, ugh, I guess I should shower and get dressed. After showering, I wrap a towel around my body and go to my closet and pick out today's clothes. Grabbing a pair of white skinny jeans, a maroon short-sleeved sweatshirt that reaches mid thigh with a black belt around my waist, and black flats. Dressing quickly, I run a brush through my hair, after getting rid of the tangles I leave it down in straight sheets.

Sighing, I realize I can't prolong this anymore seeing as I packed most of my things last night, with the exception of some clothes in my closet, shower products, and my phone. Cracking open the door, I see no one, hear no one, so I slowly walk out and down the stairs. Looking around, I freeze when I see everyone sitting in the living room silently with a serious atmosphere hanging in the air. Gulping, I walk in ready to get this over with, hopefully everyone, Wave, will understand.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Wave asks, being the first one to breaking the tense atmosphere. "I-I was afraid you'd try to stop me to be completely honest..." I stutter out terrified of what is to come, after all this talk could make or break me.

"You're my sister, we can tell each other anything. So what if I don't completely agree with it, but I will always support you Ash, so remember that next time, ok? I love you, and I hope you come back soon. And you better call me every now and then ok? I'll miss you." Wave said, making her way to me, and ending it by crushing me into a tight hug.

"I love you too, Wave, and I'll miss you too, with all my heart." I choke out in just above a whisper, tears already clouding my vision, the next hour was spent doing the same thing, just in different words, before Wave helped me finish packing.

Carrying all of my bags and boxes downstairs, I wait on the porch for Max to show up.

Oh how I'll miss it here, I hope they understand though that I need this, I need time away from everything. I just hope this won't affect anything between any one.

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