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Waverley's POV

Momentarily forgetting that Alexander might be waiting for me, I swam as fast as my poor feet and arms could carry me, hoping nobody noticed my absence but then again if Ash went to check on me, like she always does after a fight, she would of noticed and probably be freaking out right now. Oops? I knew I should of left a note or something for her! But I was in a hurry, surly she'll understand, right? Oh God, she's going to kill me in the slowest most painful way she can! Coming closer and closer to shore, I gulp, she's going to skin me alive.

Reaching shallow water I slowly walked over to my clothes and got dressed as quickly as I could, noticing his shirt and flip flops were still there. I'll come back for the journal later, dashing over to the stairs, I scramble up them as fast as I could without slipping. Not noticing a dark silhouette staring at me from down on the beach. Stumbling threw the woods I hurry, taking no notice of the wildlife calls that echoed through the woods, before finally breaking out onto the main trail, running to the house. I don't see any police cars so I doubt dad even noticed, but I have a lot of explaining to do with Ash. Jogging up the stairs, I stop in front of the door, "URGGG!!!" I whisper in annoyance. Stepping up to the door, I reach my right hand up and grip the door knob. Sighing I creak the door open and step in, preparing myself to be yelled at, closing the door I stand there waiting and staring at the hardwood floors of the hallway. Hearing two pairs of footsteps coming my way, I don't move a muscle waiting for the yelling to start.

"Wave!!!" quickly glancing up I see a relieved Ash running at me, crashing her small frame to mine, making me stumble back into the wooden door behind me. Gasping in suprise, and slight pain, Ash keeps my arms pinned to my sides. Looking down at her, two inch shorter than mine, build I gasp out, "Y-our cru-shing m-e!" Almost immediately her arms unwound themselves from me, and found their way to my shoulders as she shook me yelling, "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!? I WAS WORRIED SICK!!!" Crushing me back into her, she whispered into my ear, "Don't you ever do that again, ya' hear?" nodding soundlessly, I felt guilt build inside of me as I whisper back, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry you, I just needed to get away for a little while. Speaking of which, I have something to tell you later so be in my room ok?" I say noticing the slight green glow coming from under my blue shirts. Nodding against my shoulder she slowly pulls back, and holds me at arm length to look for injuries, I think?

After completing her scan for injuries, she pulled back reluctantly letting my dad take her place as she back up to the kitchen doorframe and hovered there. Instantly tensing up I wait for him to yell at me, telling how stupid I was or something, but he just stood there staring at me. Why is he not yelling?
Sam's/dad's POV

She came back, even though I was a complete jerk to her. Is she ok? Is she hurt? Snapping my gaze to her face, I see her emotionless mask up, so she could be hurt! Scanning her I don't see any but that doesn't mean she isn't injured, but she'd tell Ashtyn if she was more than she would me, not that I could blame her. I mean I was a complete jerk to her, "Are you ok?" I question hesitantly, hoping she'd answer. She snapped her eyes up to mine, shocked, shaking her head she nods slightly at me before walking around me and up the stairs, with Ashtyn following her. Sighing, this is going to take a while to earn Waverley's trust again. How come every time we're on good terms, I always do something stupid and we end up not talking for a week. Slowly making my way up the stairs after them I walk to my bedroom, and collapse on my bed, my last thought was,

I'm sorry Jewel, but I'm doing my best!
Ash's POV

What did Wave want to talk to me about? Is she hurt? No, she would of told me. Hmm, did she find something? Possibly, she sounded really excited so it's probably really cool! Urrrrggggggg! Why couldn't she just tell me now? I hate waiting!!!

"This better be good."

Was all I said when Wave walked into her room, and sat down next to me on the bed, folding my arms over my chest I wait for her to tell me.
Waverley's POV

Sitting next to Ash on my bed, I start explaining everything to her that has happened the last few days starting with the cave, then the letter mom left me, and ended it with Alexander. Taking a deep breath I look up to see a stunned Ash, "I can show you the letter and the cave tomorrow! I swear I'm not making this up!" She shook her head and smiled, "I know your not, but damn girl, that's a lot to wrap your head around! I think I'm going to sleep on it, though." Laughing I walk her to the door saying my farewells and closed the door. Sighing I let my body deflate and lean on my door for support, this has been a long day. Walking into my bathroom I took a quick shower and changed into my lazy day fuzzy blue pjs, before walking back into my room. Stopping as I notice my now open window, I look around looking for a robber or something.

When I deemed my room clear I creep up to the window and snap it shut, locking it I turn and freeze. There on my bed was a post it note, why is it there? Oh my god! Did whoever put it there go threw my underwear? Crinkling my nose up I whisper shout "Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!" before shaking those particular disturbing thoughts out of my mind.

Walking up to my bed, and picked it up, taking a deep breath I read it.

I'm sorry, -A

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