The Calm Before the Storm

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Waverley's POV


Groaning, I rolled over, ripped the alarm clock off of my nightstand and threw it as hard as I could against the wall, before face planting back into my nice warm cozy bed as I listened to it shatter and fall to the ground, it was pure bliss too! As I was about to fall asleep again last night flashes threw my mind, unintentionally grinning, I immediately throw the covers off of me and hopped down on to the freezing cold floor. I can't believe Alex likes me! Squealing, I run into my bathroom and strip, deciding that I was going to take a shower. Humming, I rush through my morning rituals, before getting out and drying off.

Wrapping my towel around me, I step out of my steamy bathroom and go to pick out today's clothes. Hmm, I wanna look cute today, grinning I grabbed a midnight blue dress that comes down to mid-thigh, with a belt wrapped around the waist, below the belt ruffles make up the dress, white leggings, and a pair of white and blue flats. PERFECT!!!

Returning to the bathroom, I threw the outfit on and went to work on my birds nest of hair, damn, maybe I should go back to braiding it before I go to bed? It was a lot easier to brush and maintain when I did, what do you think Storm?

-Hmm, yes you probably should. It would make mornings a lot easier...

Nodding, I make a mental note to do that tonight, before finally taming my once wild hair. Looking in the mirror now, I can't help but be a little self conscious, does this look ok? It's not to dressy is it? Oh gawd! Does it make me look fat? What if he doesn't like it? Internally freaking out, I start to panic, before Storm speaks up.

-Waverley, you look stunning and if he can't see that, I will personally slap the freaking daylights out of him!!!

Awww, that's so sweet Storm, thank you! With new found confidence, I step out of my bathroom and rush out of my room, thundering down the stairs, I follow the sent of toaster strudels, yummm.........

I can't wait to get my hands on at least five of them! Like seriously, any type of breakfast food I love, I know it's kinda weird, but hey I'm the definition of weird! No like seriously, I looked weird up on google and my school picture showed up next to it, I was like so freaking happy that I screenshot it. I think I still have it in my photos now that I think about it.......... I remember showing Ash, and she was dying of laughter, it took an hour for her to calm back down only for her to start over again. And she still won't tell me why she was laughing, humph, I don't care............

Not noticing the people at the table, I skipped over to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of strawberry kiwi Sparkling Ice, uncapping it I took a delicious sip and sighed in total bliss, this is the life, huh Storm?

-Hehehe, you're weird.... But yeah I'm loving the calming effect we are experiencing right now... Now look behind you before we do something embarrassing.

Scrunching my eyebrows together, I slowly turn and see Seb, Ash, Max, and Alex staring at me, crap, I think freezing. Like how am I supposed to act around Alex now that we're dating?!? Blushing, I couldn't even look anyone in the eye, this is so very confusing! Hearing his laugh made my head snap up in his direction, glaring, I mentally shout, STOP LAUGHING, OR, OR ILL BREAKUP WITH YOU!!!

Almost like he heard me, he went eerily quiet, looking at me in shock, awe, and confusion, what? What's going on here? Did I shout that out loud? Crap, but Alex is the only one responding though. STORM HELP ME!!! Not knowing that his expression changed to plain confused.

-Oh ok, if I must. Well to cut to the chase, you guys are soul mates, but you wouldn't know it because you're two different species. And now that you're dating, it just speed up the bonding so now you can project images, thoughts, visions, or me into his mind, oh by the way I'm projecting this into his mind as we speak.... So any questions?

Umm yeah! Like how does this work? Am I the only one who can project things, or can he too? OH, does he have a voice guided too? That would be so cool! Then you wouldn't be alone anymore, and could talk to him!!!

-Hmm ok, yes he has a vampire guide, his name is Sin. And yes he can learn to project things too, but Sin has to teach him. And yes Sin and I have been talking, idiot.

Hmph, you know what? You're mean, I'm not talking to you for the rest of today.....

Alex's POV

What? How is this even possible? And how does 'Storm' know about Sin, I've never mentioned him to anyone in my whole life! And what do they mean 'guide?' Uggg, Sin you have some serious explaining to do....

-huff, well the least you could do is ask nicely, geez, this is why I don't talk to you often! Storm is soooooooo much politer than you! And if you'd of stopped ignoring me, you would of already of known this!!!!

Hey! It's not my fault you're annoying.... And you invaded my mind, even if that was a hundred years ago, I have the right to be a little freaked....

-Waverley puts up with Storm just fine and she's only had her for a few days. So your point being?

Ugg! She's Waverley, of course she'd be fine with it! She's weird and the situation is weird, she thrives off of this kinda stuff... Geez!

Ash's, Max's, and Sebastian's POV

Looking between Alex and Wave, I can't help but feel like I'm missing something very important!
Mysterious POV

Those stupid mutts! How could they fail?! She's of grave importance, and they give up when the stupid merman shows up! They could of captured the merman too! They should of got her or die trying at least! Now they'll be punished, oh yes, punished very painfully.

Maliciously grinning, I stop pacing and picked up my cell, this will teach them not to disobey me ever again.

"Pierce, I have a job for you and I'll need a new team when your done," I say darkly, oh yes Pierce will teach them....... Hearing a hum through the phone, I wait to see what he'll want in return for his assistance, knowing that he won't and can't refuse me.

"Hmm, ok but I want in on whatever's taking place in California, got it? And I'm getting payed, we'll talk about the price later. Now, what is it that you need from me that you couldn't of done yourself?" He questioned in barely concealed curiosity, oh I could do it, but he's more qualified in today's society and after all, Im retired...

"Glad to see you're on board, and you know my recent team that was said to be the 'best of the best?'" I say sarcastically with a snort, "Well, they couldn't even take care of a merman and kidnap the girl, so I think they need a little.......discipline don't you?" Hearing a dark chuckle, I know he's going to enjoy this just as much as I am.

"Mmm, I think they do.... I'll be there by the end of today with a new team. Those stupid dogs don't know how to properly do anything right! I'll teach them.... Oh yes, I won't kill them, no I want them to never forget of their failure, " see, he's just as dark as me, thanking him, I quickly end the call and order Miguel to get the prisoners ready for a beating of a lifetime, quite literally, too..

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