Awkward at all time high

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Alex's POV

F*ck, f*ck, F*CK!!!! How did she know? What do I do, what can I do? Crap! This wasn't supposed to happen! I was going to ask her out, take her on a date, make her my girl, then I was going to make her move in with me so i could keep her safe.... Damn! I swear if Seb somehow knew I liked her, and told her I will kill him..... Shoot I might kill him anyway, no, wave would hate me then. Damn, this is sooooooo f*cked up!!!

Staring down at her, wide eyed, I let these thoughts run through my head.  And all she's doing is looking up at me with her huge innocent blue eyes, damn, what am I supposed to say? Sighing, I briefly closed my eyes considering what I should do, I guess I should tell her. No time like the present, though I could of waited a while longer........

"Y-Yes," I stuttered before clearing my throat and talking in a steady voice, "I was..." Great now she's going to think I'm a total weirdo! And it's all Sebastian's fault, oh just wait till I get home you little dirtbag 😈............

"Y-you like m-me? Why, you could do, like, a whole bunch better than me! Like seriously you're HOT, and I'm me......." She said looking at me like I was the crazy one, I'm pretty sure I have the same expression one my face. Staring at her I notice her look down I shame, does she really think she's not f*cking gorgeous? How the hell did this happen, she's a goddess walking this earth.

Raising her chin up to where she was facing me, I spoke with complete honesty as I looked into her shame filled eyes, "You are f*cking beautiful Waverley, no one and I mean no one holds a candle to you. I know you most likely think I'm lying, but at least hear me out. You are a freaking goddess, you're beautiful, kind, funny, considerate, and I'll admit you have your scary moments, but that makes you you, so I wouldn't change it for the world."

Shrugging I continue, "Shoot, if I didn't meet you I'd still be lounging in my house utterly bored. Your smile lights up the darkest of hearts, and even if you smiled for the rest of your life, I'd never see it enough. You are perfect, and if you can't see that, I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make you see it...." Trailing off towards the end I noticed her tears, oh CRAP!!!! What'd I do? Oh God what did I do wrong?

"CRAP!!! What'd I do? I promise I'll fix whatever it is, just tell me what's wrong!" I practically shout while I let my hands flutter over her shoulders. I continue hovering over her shaking form, freaking out, until I heard her shaky laughter, what? Scrunching my eyebrows together I wait for her to speak to me. Watching as her tears slowly dry, and her laugh fades, I was internally freaking out for the moment as I wait for her answer, gawd, I'm soooo whipped!!!!!

Waverley's POV

Slowly I look up at Alex, I can't believe he thinks that, I'm just average and he's..........him. Grinning up at his freaked out face, "Thank you..... And you know? Instead of this awkward moment you could of just asked me out......" I said with amusement lacing my voice. Watching as his face flushed a faint red, I couldn't help but feel elated, Alex, my very very secret crush, likes plain old me. You're probably like, Whaaaa? Well I told you he was my very very secret crush, so I couldn't of thought about him or else you'd know I liked him, and then it wouldn't of been a secret. You understand right? No hard feelings, k, cuz I consider us friends since you've made it this far with me.......

Hearing Alex speak up made my head snap up and my heart speed up at his question, "Will you be my girlfriend, then?" He asked looking slightly nervous, laughing, I lunge at him wrapping my arms around him screaming yes, over and over again, but most of them were muffled by his shirt.

-It's about time! Like seriously, it took him this long to man up and grow a pair? You guys should've been snuggling on this beach, wrapped up in each other's arms, like weeks ago, no offense Way....

Giggling, I silently nod my agreement to Storm, what? She's right.......

-So how about that swim? You know instead of hugging a boy while you're half naked...

Oh my satanic goats!!! Jumping out of Alex's arms, I look down blushing so hard I could put tomatoes to shame. Damn you Storm, we were having a moment here! I'm telling you my mermaid guide is secretly evil.........

"Ummm, d-do y-you want t-o go s-swim-ing wi-th me?" I stutter out, after awkwardly shifting for about a minute, it's all Storm's fault! It's times like these when I wish I didn't have a voice in my head, they know exactly what to say to make things awkward really fast. Biting my tongue, I quickly glance up to see him smirking down at me, oh no what is he thinking? Whatever it is, it's nothing good, that much is for certain.

"Sure.....Ariel😏," huh? Who's Ariel? Looking up I state, "umm, no? No Ariel here, sorry," clearly confused out of my mind, like seriously! Is Ariel his secret pet snail that I don't know about🐌?? Oh is it a dolphin? OH how about a elephant or camel? Oh oh, how about a pufferfish🐡?

"Um you... Where would I get a dolphin, elephant, camel, snail, or a pufferfish?" He said unsurely, oops, I thought out loud again. Sighing I couldn't help but mutter, "I really need to stop that...................." Hearing a deep throaty laugh, I stop talking to myself and look up at Alex, damn that's kinda hot........ Wait, WHAT? No! Nope definitely not, somebody must've snuck a drug into my pizza. Yep, that's totally what happened! I thought with wide eyes, so I'm not some creepy perv!!! YESSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!! But now I'm a druggie😖😔😭😱.............crap!

-You're NOT a stinking druggie!!! Ok? Geez, sometimes I swear you're the stupidest person in the world, way.......

Pouting, I call over my shoulder as I walk further into the enchanting waves that were calling me, "Are you coming or not?" Before disappearing under the dark water without a trace.

Alex's POV

Shaking my head I follow Waverley into the deep depths, all the while thinking that I would follow her anywhere if she asked me to, shoot, even if she didn't I probably follow her anyway..... Well, I guess this is what my life will be, cuz I'm never going to let her go....

Mysterious POV

Hmmm, I wonder if they have followed my orders? Smirking, i couldn't help but be a little sadistic and hope that they failed. If they failed me I'm going to...... Hmm, what will I do? Oh I got it! Pushing a button on my desk, I wait for my butler to come, hearing a quiet knock in less than a minute I invite him in. He was faster than last time, I guess the punishment worked....

"Miguel?" I call out immediately getting a answer, "Y-yes M-master?" He said gulping fearfully cowering away from me, good.........

"Prepare the dungeon, and immediately notify me when the team gets here... I want to know how the mission went." I stated before dismissing him. This is going to be fun, they better have the girl or else..... Throwing back my head I started maliciously laughing, oh my, this WILL be fun.......

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