Mysterious savior

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Unknown POV

She's been down there for too long, way too long. I'm going to go down there, instantly shooting up to my feet, I start to run past Alex, when a giant splash caught my attention, causing me to freeze on the spot. Glancing over at the ocean, I see her, and I'm going to say this without sounding weird or perverted, "She's gorgeous!" Alex watched her in shock, barely hearing me. Observing her more carefully, I notice something on top of her head. Turning my body to fully face the ocean, I squint trying to figure out what it is, before snatching up the binoculars off of the dirt and stone surface of the cliff. Instantly putting them up to my face, I watch her through them, finally making out what the object is. Dropping them, I continue to stare at her, but this time completely paralyzed in shock and disbelief. Alex's confused stare goes unnoticed by me as I keep thinking over the silver object on her head.

Alex's POV

Wow, she's beautiful! I knew she's wasn't normal, in the best way of course. But this? This I wasn't expecting at all, I mean, she doesn't act like any supernatural person I've ever met, but that's a good thing. Cuz, most of them are stuck-up asswh*les who think that their species is 'superior' to everyone, humans and supernatural alike. I wonder how this is possible, though? Her dad's human, and her mom abandoned them, so I guess it's safe to say her mother was either part or full mermaid or siren, but what I still don't get is why would her mother abandon her if she knew that she had the possibility of transforming at 16? Oh right I forgot to tell you, so here's a little fun fact about supernaturals, we usually transform at 16, it might not be exactly when we turn 16 but it will happen wether or not it's right then or when you're about to have another birthday. I know weird, you'd of thought with each species would come different transformation times, but noooooooo. Oh well, it's easier to remember instead having to memorize different ages, so that's a plus.

But back to the situation at hand, I wouldn't of in a million years of guessed that Waverley was a mermaid, but I guess it kinda adds up, I mean her love for swimming, her glowing blue hair, how she can out swim me, her beautiful f*cking voice, EVERYTHING!!!! Like seriously I feel retarded right now! Turning towards my companion, I stop only to be confused, he was staring through binoculars one second, then the next he's dropping them, staring wide eyed at her. Like what the f*ck man!? Those things were bran new!!! Looking down at them, I see a huge crack going through one of the lens and splintering outwards, consuming the lens with ripple like cracks. "DAMN!!!!!!!!" I whisper to myself, before glaring at my, so called 'best friend' who just ruined my new binoculars, that I payed for.

Waverley's POV

Giggling, a thought came to mind, "ooooh, this is going to be soooooo FUN😆!!!!!!" Taking a deep breath, I released it, realizing that I'm not human like I thought so I don't need to hold my breath underwater. Smiling, I close my eyes and dive into the dark depths below me, that swallowed my existence in mere seconds, reaching the grainy sand below, I slowly open my eyes. Gasping, I look around, I can see better than the average human! This is sooo awesome! I mean, like seriously when you can see the surface of the cliff clearly, that is at least a 1/4 mile away, you know you have good eye sight!

Huh, maybe I can go fetch my notebook after this? I meant to take it home a long time ago, but seeing as I'm a forgetful child, I forgot multiple times, sad really. Now back to my little test theory, I really hope this actually works😯!!!! I tentatively sucked in a mouthful of water, fully expecting to start chocking, but much to my surprise, it felt just like I was breathing in oxygen! Wow, just wow! Shaking my head, I took a deep breath of water, and surged up towards the surface of the water as fast as I could. Breaking through the surface, I was propelled out of the water and into the air, almost automatically my eyelids slid shut on their own accord. A huge smile spread across my lips as I plunge back into the welcoming water, how could this day get any better?

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