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Waverley's pov

Ash and I just went up to my room after I opened the door and started to watch Supernatural, we're on season 3, episode 2. And eating the ice cream she brought, I look over at my alarm clock to see that it's 11:35 pm! Wow, we've been watching this for the whole day! Suddenly a yawn escapes mine & Ash's mouth at the same time, we burst out laughing for about 5 minutes, before we finally calmed down enough to stand up. Then we got dressed in my PJ's. Ash is wearing green and black zebra print bottoms, a black tank top, and fuzzy zebra print socks. While I'm wearing blue bottoms with black swirls, a light blue tank top, and plain blue fuzzy socks. We both crawl into my queen sized bed and pull the covers up to our chin, we both got use to sleeping in the same bed the first week we became friends, so sleeping together was not a problem for us. I grabbed the TV controller and shut off the TV, and rolled over and succumbed to the darkness surrounding my vision. Falling asleep almost instantly, along with Ash, after all it's been a long, tearful day. And I hope that tomorrow will be better.
(Dad's) Sam's pov

The surprise is all put together, I've contacted everyone that I had to, and it's alright with them so my little girl will soon see how much I love her. And she'll never be able to question it ever again. And Ash will have a better future too! I can't wait 'til I can tell her the news! I doubt she's packed though, so only a few days delay, that's not bad. Now that I think about it I haven't seen her since this morning, I wonder if she's ok? I wish I could go check on her, but that'd just make things worse, because she'd think I don't trust her. Damned if I do, damned if I don't! But I know Ash will keep her from doing something stupid so I'm a little a ease. God, I love them both! Why didn't I think of my surprise earlier? It would of made things soooo much easier, and we'd be happier.
Ash's pov

I can't believe they're leaving me, I mean I know I'm not their blood family, but I considered them mine! I mean Sam was like the dad I never had! Why is he leaving me, and taking everything I care for away; my family, best friend, my sister, my father figure, my home, and my heart. If I could wish anything right now it would be to go were ever they go as a family. I turn over and see my best friend, my sister asleep with tears sliding down her face, I wish I could take away her pain. Was my last thought before I let darkness take over my mind. Falling into a troubled sleep.

Ash's Dream..........

Why am I crying? I look up when I hear a shout to see Waverley and Sam running away from me screaming. I'm scared, why are they screaming? I start to run after them but I'm not fast enough to catch up to them when out of nowhere a car packed with suitcases, their suitcases, came speeding towards them. I scream with all my might trying to get their attention, "Stop! Watch out! There's a car!" But it was too late, it slammed into them with a sickening crunch. "No! Waverley, Sam please! I can't lose you!" I trip while trying to reach them, I quickly scramble up, desperate to reach them. When I reach them I see their bodies battered, bloody, and twisted a awkward angles. They can't be alive, so I start to sob, when a pain filled scream echoes around me, but I'm in complete darkness. Where am I? Where is Waverley? Or Sam? I start to blindly run, hoping to find one of them, or both. I start screaming, "Waverley! Sam! Please answer me!" After what felt like forever but was only a few minutes before I hear a closer agonizing scream, that sounded a lot like Waverley. "Waverley! Were are you?!" I panicked and ran were I thought I heard her scream, and see her tied up with huge hooks in her skin, bleeding, gashes, bruises, and covered in blood. "Oh my god." I whisper as I run up to her but the more I ran the farther away she was, until she was completely gone. "NO!!! Waverley? Were are you?" I scream then something started to shake me and a voice shouted at me, "Wake up! Ash, please wake up!"

____________________end of dream_________________________

I wake up with a gasp and sweat covering my body, with Wave above me shaking my shoulders. "Oh my gosh waverley! I thought I lost you!" I sob pulling her into a hug whispering over and over, "please don't leave me." She hugged me back instantly whispering reassuringly, "I won't I promise." After about five minutes we fell back to sleep, hesitant at first, but eventually we fell into a deep sleep, with no dreams. As the soft click of the door echoed in the now silent room.

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