They're Back, part 2

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Waverley's POV

It's about 10:45 pm now, we've been out here basically all day, but it's been fun. And I wish today would never end, but sadly all good things must come to an end sometime, and our sometime is now... This sucks, but there's always tomorrow, but tonight's not over yet, well for me anyway... Seb left earlier saying that he needed to go visit a friend, umm River, I think her name was? And Max is walking Ash home as we speak, it adorable really, I can't wait till they get together!

And here I am with Alex, and apparently he has a surprise for me. He's lucky I brought a sundress with me or else I'd never agree to staying out here...

"So, what are we doing?" I ask as soon as Ash's and Max's figures were swallowed whole by the darkness of the woods, I hope they can still see the path.... He just smiled and said, "surprise," all mysterious like, it's kinda creepy😓😑... But I'm not going to say anything! I'm not that mean.

Suddenly out of nowhere, he holds up a blindfold smirking, oh no, no no no, there is NO WAY he's putting that on me. Waving my hands out in front of me, I turn and start running, I'm not going anywhere blind ever again, not after last time.....

"Wave! Come back here! It's only going to be for a little while!" He shouted, chasing after me, snorting, I shake my head. "That's what they all say, and then BOOM! Your flat on your face an hour later!" I shouted over my shoulder, still trying to get away from him, there's no way in hell, that that thing is going on me willingly!

Tripping, I face plant in the still somewhat warm sand, "oww," I groan rolling over. "Looks like you're doing that anyway, princess," he says standing over me with that stupid smirk on his stupid face, before it turned to worry, "Why are you so afraid of putting it on?" Looking down, I stated, "because last time it didn't end well for me."


I was just turning 14, and my new friend, Maria was taking me somewhere for my birthday. I can't wait! I remember thinking. As she blindfolded me, before grabbing my arm and pulling me into some random direction, or so I thought.

We've been walking for about 20 minutes now, and I finally asked, "Are we there yet?" Totally excited, I mean I just met her a month ago, but we became instant friends. Hearing a giggle, I waited for her response, "Almost Ley!" Calling me by my new nickname, I don't personally like it, but I don't hate it either, so I just ignored it. Nodding, I continue to let myself be pulled to an unknown location for my surprise.

"We're here!" Maria exclaimed cheerfully while stopping in her tracks, making me bump into her by accident, "Sorry." I quickly rip of the blindfold, only to tear up. No, no no no no no!

There, in front of me was the cliff my best friend died on, he was walking home after school, when out of nowhere a speeding car rammed into him and went over. It took five hours to find him in all the wreckage, but when we did, I wished we hadn't. He was barely alive, with blood pouring out of his eyes, and h-his body was cut in half, his legs were nowhere to be seen, oh god! I remember crying, and running up to him and pleading him to stay awake, that help was here and he'd be ok. But all he did was smile and chock out, "I-it's o-o-k w-wa-ve, I l-l-ove y-ou..." Before coughing up more blood, and finally closing his eyes and welcomed death with a small smile on his face.

"I love you too, Zane, you're the best big brother anyone could have," I cry out, hiccuping, oh god what will I do without him? He's my best friend! My brother! I need him, please come back!

I remember being pulled back, away from him by policemen, seeing as I was clinging onto his lifeless body crying. "Why? Why him? He never did anything wrong..." I asked mumbling, while watching as they put him into a bodybag. "I don't know, but he'd want you to be happy, he loved you deeply..." The deep voice of the policeman holding me answered my mourning question.

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