Al' Hell Nah!

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River's POV (aka obsessive witch)

How dare they! I'll kill them if they touch one hair on his perfect head! Oh wait! They already have, hehehehe, they're so dead.... Laughing manically, I continue driving towards my future hubby's family. I've been wanting to meet them, especially Waverley... Hmm, I hope she likes me! After all, I'm going to be her future sister in law, and it'd be pretty awkward if she hated me!

But anyway, I'm half way to California, I hear that the weather is to die for!!! Hmm, maybe my hubby and I can go on our honeymoon here? I'll ask him when I save him, cuz, like seriously you CANT reject someone, me, when they safe you from torture, right? Ugg, hubby's are sooooo confusing! Maybe I should just get on Waverley's good side and get her to set us up? YEAH! That's it! All I have to do is get her to like me, and BOOM, next thing you know we're getting married on the beach! I can see it now, it would be perfect......

Sighing, I return my attention back to the road, I really hope my baby's safe......

Hang on baby, I'm coming for you......

Waverley's POV

Starting awake, I look around in confusion, what? Why is everything so blurry? Where am I? Blinking, I try to clear my vision, going to lift a hand I realize with unease that my hands are bound. What the hell is going on here? What happened? Why can't I remember anything? Seeing blurs moving, I try harder to see them, but it's no use, maybe I can try and listen into their conversation?

"Patient 267 is.................unstable.......reacting to..........treatment................... get...........Boss." I hear a woman's voice say, fading in and out of focus. What do they mean? Is someone else here too? What do they mean treatment? D-did they do something to me too? Oh god, I need to get out of here...........

Closing my eyes, I try and focus on clearing my cotton like mind, I need to remember, I need to be able to think. If I can't think straight I'm going to die, I know that much..... And who's the 'Boss?' I don't think I want to meet him, whoever he is, he's dangerous....


Gasping, I shoot up off of the ground, and frantically look around, "W-what?" I mutter to myself, not noticing Alex staring at me startled. What was that? It felt too real to be a dream, but it wasn't me...... Who was it?

Then realization shone on my face, oh gawd! Who did the Scientists take? Freaking out, I jump up, and start patting down myself hoping for my phone, which happens to be waterproof, thank gawd or else I'd die!!!

Not finding one, I start to pace, oh no oh no oh no oh no! This cannot be happening! Ash, Seb, and Dad have to be safe!!! They can't be..............gone, NO! They just can't!

-Waverley, I don't know how to say this b-but...... Sebastian was c-captured..... I not messing with you I SWEAR!!!

Storm told me, almost sounding like she was trying not to cry, can guides cry? I don't know, but why Seb? He never did anything wrong......well unless you count self defense wrong... But still! He was the best brother you could ever ask for, even if I'd only known him for about a week! Like seriously, we texted for hours and hours on end, or when we couldn't sleep.

But we need to get him back, it seems like he's already trying to free himself but I want to help him, no I need to help him escape. But whoever these people are, they're dangerous..... I just hope they haven't done anything to Seb yet, Seb doesn't deserve that, no one does, well besides the Scientists.... BUT THEY HAD IT COMING!!! Eventually, anyway...

"Waverley? Waverley what's wrong?" I hear Alex's concerned voice, as he comes closer, wrapping his arms around me, stopping my pacing.

Taking a deep breath, I hesitatingly answer him, "Seb, he's been captured, I saw it," looking up at him, I start to tear up. "I need to save him Alex, he's my big brother, I need him! Why did he have to be an idiot and get caught?" I rhetorically question, now full out crying my eyes out, probably looking like an unattractive wet cat😖....

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