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Waverley's POV

I start stripping my shirt and shorts, and kicking my flip flops off before running towards the ocean. I know not the smartest idea, but it was like I was being pulled by a magnetic force towards it, I just don't know how to explain it. I was like a dehydrated man finding water, or a moth to a flame, I just can't control myself it's like I'm supposed to be here.

Like, I belong here.

Shaking my head at the silly thought I dive into the cool blue-green waves, holding my breath I open my eyes and start to swim toward the cliff, I know I'm stupid but I feel like there's something there, something that I was meant to find. I've officially gone crazy, but I just can't find it in me to stop, so I didn't. I just keep swimming until I'm right at the cliff, but the strange thing is, that instead of feeling tired I felt energized.

When I was in front of the cliff, my fingers twitched wanting to touch the cool, rough surface of the cliff, as if trying to find something, but what? Running my hands over the sharp rocks, slightly pressing I come across a gap, cocking my head slightly, knitting my brow I take a deep breath, holding it I dove down, opening my eyes I see a crack just big enough for two people to fit in. Swimming up to it I slowly go threw into the darkness, I know crazy but what can I say? I'm crazy remember? And well my hair started to glow blue, I know weird but it's alway done that, and it's coming in handy now so I guess it has some benefits! As I go farther and farther in I notice that the water is getting shallower and clearer, soon my belly is almost scraping against the ridged rocks below me, popping my head up I see an amazing sight.

The gap led into a cave tunnel thing, slowly standing up with my mouth agap, gasping at the sight before me. The cave walls have glowing blue and green spots scattered all over, like stars against the night sky, walking farther in the cave sloshing threw the now ankle high water I stare around me in awe, how could no one have found this before? It's ABSOLUTELY gorgeous! A smile slipped onto my face as I whisper, "I've found my new haven!" to myself. Continuing down the tunnel I walk for another 4 minutes of twists and turns before the cave walls started to open up into a cylinder shaped stone room with a gravely floor, some decent looking cushions, a small white tray holding cups and a empty bottle, and candles are scattered all over the place, noting stairs to the left, but what caught my attention was the off white glowing rocks in the room beside the cushions, and on each side of the tunnel opening. How is that possible? Crouching down next to one I couldn't help but reach out to touch it, when my palm came into contact with the bumpy but smooth surface, I can feel heat radiate from it, like it almost had a.........pulse!

"That is severely cool!" I say in a excited whisper, before I accidentally pricked my finger on an oddly sharp bump, drawling blood. Quickly pulling my hand away from it I stuck my injured finger in my mouth, looking back down at the stone I see a drop of my blood on it I go to wipe it away, but stop as I see the stone slowly absorb it. Stunned I look closer, blinking rapidly, and rubbing my eyes I squint again, finding no sign of anything ever disturbing the glowing white stone. Sitting back on my heels I shake my head running my slender fingers threw my waist length long blonde hair. "What was that?!" I whisper shout to myself, shakily standing up I glance around the room again, noticing it was covered in a layer of dust, looks like no ones been here for a while. Looking over towards the stairs trying, and failing, not to get too curious and run up the stairs like a headless chicken, but I only last a few seconds before giving in, knowing I will never win over my curiosity.

After making my way up the stairs I see a sand floor, tons upon tons of seashells, sand dollars, chests overflowing with jewelry, gems, golden coins, and laying in a pile in one corner is dried seaweed, beside the seaweed is a lot of fossils. Wow, looks like who ever was here before was a pirate, snorting at my ridiculous thought I laugh, unknowing that I've been in here for more than a hour exploring, and it's starting to turn dark outside.

After looking threw everything upstairs I came across a small wooden box with a mermaid carved on top, wow it's sooooo pretty! Slowly opening it I peak in seeing..........................................................

Sam's (dads) POV

I'm up in my room while Ashtyn is reading in her room, you guessed it!, right beside Waverley's room, and Waverley is off somewhere outside, just like her mother but I'm not going to tell her that. Because I don't think she particularly likes her mom, but it's not like I can blame her, she thinks that Jewel just upped and left because of her. Sometimes I wish I could just tell her why she left, but I promised Jewel I wouldn't until she changed, if she does change. I mean she has the glowing hair, hers is blue though Jewel said that that was extremely rare so I have to keep her safe, then she loves to swim, she has ocean blue eyes with a green rim around her pupil, she has a obsession with sea food, and finally least but not last, her birthmark, it's on her left shoulder and it's the outline of a mermaid.

I remember when she was little and used to say that on day she was going to swim in the ocean and turn into a mermaid and find her Prince Charming like in The Little Mermaid, which was her favorite movie for a long time. I remember when she would smile her cheeky smile, the sparkle in her eyes was soooooo bright that you'd swear you were looking into the ocean with the sun shinning down on it. Oh how I wish that she wouldn't of given up on her dream, but after Jewel, her mom, left she kinda gave up on every dream she's ever had, she stopped believing that you could do anything, her smile was dimmed, and least but defiantly most important her eyes lost most of her sparkle.

But the sad part is that I can't do anything about it, but I made a promise to Jewel that when she was 16 we'd come back, I don't know why but she said good and that she would know what to do from there, I wonder what that means? Oh well, I'll just have to wait and find out. Releasing a sigh my thoughts go to Jewel and her caring smile, her shinning eyes, the small crinkles she had in the comers of her blue eyes when she laughed or smiled, her wisdom, the way her hair flowed behind her, her playfulness, and just plain and simply,

I just miss her

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