What the hell!?

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Waverley's POV

Finally breaking threw the surface of the water I'm still smiling, looking back into the water I see Max and Ash coming, oh this'll be good! Floating I wait as they inch closer and closer to the calm surface of the rippling water. Barely containing my excitement I smile ear to ear, probably looking like a creepy pedophile but, honestly, who cares? Finally they burst out of the water gasping before Max looked over at me glaring, "WHAT THE HELL!? We could of suficated! What then, huh?!" Looking down, my smile fades, "Sorry, it was stupid of me to bring you here, after all who cares about what I like?" letting a stray, traitorous tear roll down my cheek, turning I swim as fast as I can farther into my haven, ignoring Max screaming, "No! Waverley! I didn't mean it like that! I'm sorry!!!"

Reaching the shallow water I stand up and numbly walk threw the tunnel, ignoring the scraps and scratches slowly appearing on my feet, sighing I mutter to myself, "I should of known better," shaking my head I let another tear begin the lonely track down my cheek. Ignoring Max's and Ash's screams, I walk straight up the stairs and grab my notebook, barely hearing it scribble, sighing I open it letting another tear escape, reading,

Waverley don't listen to their idiotic words, follow your heart and ignore their stupidity. For they do not know of how important you are yet, to both humans and supernatural. But soon it will be your time, and when it comes, they'll see their mistakes, so just wait my dear......

Sighing I answer out loud, "Ok, I'll wait, but I can't wait forever." Going over to the chest of treasures I silently mill threw them, stoping when I think I heard something. Listening I hear Max's voice, "-I didn't mean to upset her! I just didn't want to suffocate either!" "Look Max, these last few days have not been good ones to her, this morning was her bounce back, but now it's going to take longer to get her happy again, and you should be honored that she brought you here, she doesn't let many people see what she's up too, shoot, I just found out about this place!" Their footsteps are closer, and voices were louder so they're close now, sighing I stand back up and start the short walk down the stairs. Meeting them as they enter my haven, barely sparing them a glance, I flop down on one of the cushions that I've dusted since I've been here. Max opens his mouth to say something when he's shoved aside by Alex as he rushes to my side repeating, "I'm sorry," over and over again, giving him the look that says 'shut up or I'll murder you' I start to rub my temples and say, "Please just stop! Your all forgiven now just be quiet!" As a headache starts to build up, this is why I avoid people!

But Alex doesn't seem to know the meaning of quiet and just keeps talking, "Really?" He says looking surprised, turning and glaring at him I hiss, "Yes, so shut up!" A smile soon blinds me, geez, he sure can smile but seriously I need my eyes, so stop! Scrunching my eyes closed I wait rather impatiently for him to stop, just noticing the awkward silence I slowly open my eyes just in case if he was still trying to blind me. Fully opening my eyes I see Max and Alex having a stare down, "What the hell?! Why are y'al having a glaring contest?" They both turn to me with a sheepish smile, sighing I mumble, "I'm going upstairs!" Heaving myself up I squeal when I feel myself being lifted by a pair of strong arms, "Urgggg, put me down right now, Alexander!" I scream thrashing for a little while, "Umm, no. You look tired so you're not walking!" Alex replies simply, huffing I silently fume until he's up the stairs, urg finally! Why do I have such a drama filled life? Slowly being set down I steadily walk back over to the chest I was milling threw earlier and grab without looking, pulling my hand back out I have a bronze statue.

Taking a close look at it I examine the bronze clam shell that's open with a mermaid curled up around a white, glistening pearl inside (picture above). Particularly taking a interest in the mermaid, the way her scales flowed down to her goldfish like tail, her frail body curled in on itself, almost as if it was protecting the pearl, her innocent angelic face bowed down, and her hair flowing around her slim face like a halo weaving itself in every little nook and crany. "Wow," I breath out not even noticing everyone turn to look at me, I hesitantly flipped it over, reading the inscription on the bottom.

Trust is earned, Loyalty is given, Happiness is made, and Love is taken.

"Huh, what does that mean?" I mutter to myself, mulling over those 13 words.

Alexander's pov

Staring at her slouched over form I couldn't help but think about how soft her flawless tan skin was, or how she fit perfectly in my arms, or the squealing noise she made. My God, she's beautiful. Everything about her is, her laugh, her smile, her eyes, her personality, just HER in general. Geez, I sound whipped but she knows what I am and yet she hasn't freaked or anything, she's perfect! I just can't wait until I can make her mine. Forever.........

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