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Happy early Easter!!!

Waverley's POV

Last night after dad blew his casket and sent me to my room, I don't want to go downstairs now, so might as well get dressed. Slowly climbing out of bed I walk over to my closet grabbing the first thing my hands landed on, which just so happened to match, luckily for me. Walking to the bathroom I use the toilet, showered extra long, and changed into the black joggers, blue spaghetti-strapped shirt, and pulled on a lose blue t-shirt over my green bikini, looking into the mirror I notice the dark circles under my eyes and groan. That would take forever to cover up, well if I used makeup it would anyway!

Ash's POV

I just finished getting dressed but I couldn't help but think about Wave, I hope she's ok, I know what your thinking, what do you mean you hope she's ok? Well every time dad and her get in a fight she just, I don't know how to put this but, she just shuts down and like, goes on autopilot. I've tried to get through to her, but it's like she doesn't hear me, like she's not completely there, so I just watch over her to make sure she doesn't do anything stupid. Slipping on my shoes I walk out of my room and over to Waverley's door. Knocking I wait for some sign of acknowledgment, waiting for what seems like forever but in truth was only two or three minutes, with no reply I slowly creek the door open and peek in. Only to find her room EMPTY!!! Like not completely empty, but as in, she's not there empty, taking a closer look around the room I see that the black bag she always has in the corner is missing and the window is open, allowing her purple curtains to blow in the gentle breeze. "Oh no!" I whisper to myself, knowing that I have to tell her dad she's not here, and then she'll be mad at me. But if it means her being safe, I'm willing to receive the cold shoulder for awhile.

Running out of her room, I miss seeing a figure run a crossed the yard towards the cliff. Storming down the stairs I stumble into the living room to see a sleep deprived dad, looking towards me guiltily he says, "I overreacted! But I just got sooooo scared! I've lost her mother and brother already! I don't want to lose her or you too! And I-I just I lost it, I didn't mean to but I couldn't help it!" I stand there shocked barely taking in what he was saying, wave has a brother? Why didn't she tell me? Does she know she has a brother?! OH MY GOSH!!! She's missing, dad's going crazy with guilt, and her mom and brother who she most likely doesn't know about abandoned them! And I'm keeping her missing to myself? What is wrong with me? Blurting out, "Waverley's gone," it was the first thing that came to my mind, but it was enough to shut dad up.

He looked shocked, then disbelieving, then scared and guilty, "Its all my fault! If I'd of just stopped screaming at her last night and listened to her, she wouldn't be gone right now!" He dropped onto the couch with tears streaming down his face, with his head in his hands, I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. Thank god it's Friday and Easter's this Sunday, or else we'd have school and I wouldn't be able to help look for her! Looking out the window my thoughts all over the place, but one stood out the most.

Please, don't do anything stupid Waverley.

Waverley's POV

Jumping out the window I twist my body that when I'm almost four feet from the ground and I can grab the last branch of the tree outside my window, and I pulled myself to a jerky stop, nearly dislocating my shoulder, but it had to be done. I couldn't face him, not yet anyway. Looking around to make sure nobody was watching I ran across the yard to the same path I was on yesterday, hoping that no one would look out the windows yet. I hate fighting with dad, but we do it a lot if you haven't noticed, or at least a lot more than we used to. We used to be able to finish each others sentences, but now it's like, he doesn't want me around, because we used to spend every spare second we had with each other, but then he started to get distant and, "UURRRRG!" I scream, stopping at the edge of the woods at the cliff, running a hand threw my wavy hair.

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