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Waverley's POV

I saw a beautiful necklace, it was a emerald green stone on a gold chain, along with a old piece of paper. Slowly raising the necklace up I couldn't help but gasp as sparks shot threw me as I touched the stone. Staring at it for a few silence filled minutes I slowly put it back and grabbed the yellow paper that was colored by age, and carefully started to unfold it, once it was opened, bare to my curious gaze. Smoothing out the crinkles I began to read the letter,

Dear Waverley,

If your reading this, it means I left and for that I'm truly sorry. I never wanted to leave, you have to trust me on this, but if you don't I understand. I just hope you'll listen and try to understand my reasons, I never wanted to hurt you or Sam ever, but some times you have to pick the less of the two evils. So please just hear me out, ok?

First off you'll need to know that everything you think is myth, is more than likely very real, like vampires, werewolves, hellhounds, witches, demons, angels, Fallen angels, wendigos, mermaids. They're all REAL!!! And I know this might sound crazy but it's true. I know you don't believe me right now but I have proof ok?

This town is full of supernatural creatures, vampires, werewolves, witches, and you. I know what your thinking, that's not possible but wait a few days and you'll see the world in a different, new, light. That I can promise you, but be careful and don't swim out too far ok? There's always someone watching, especially in the ocean, so don't go in too deep. And I have some friends to help you when you find out your true heritage, and when you do, tell your father he has something for you that will help you, but until then there's a black journal under the pile of seaweed beside this, get it.

Slowly moving the seaweed aside I see a normal looking black journal, I grab it and place it on my lap, slowly opening it, I heard the sound of writing looking down shocked as I see neat handwriting slowly appearing on the once blank piece of paper, it read:

Hello Waverley, I'm your guide, I'll give you clues along your journey and help as much as I can. But for now read the letter.......

Slowly removing my awed gaze from the journal back to the piece of yellowing paper I find were I left off and continued reading.

I can almost see your shocked face and the gears in your head turning, oh how I'd loved to seen you grow up, I guess I'm a little too late now though, huh? Anyway the necklace will glow when you find a true friend, if the necklace doesn't glow don't trust them! Never let your guard down or else it will end badly, I speak from experience, I trusted someone I shouldn't have because I thought the necklace was wrong, so I ignored its warning and look what happened? I had to leave my family behind, but it's my own fault, I know that now, the warning that are given should be heeded not ignored, so please don't make my mistakes! This is all I have time to write, they're coming I can't let them find this place so I need to leave, but I love you never forget that, ok? Your brother and I wish for your safety
~love mom & Sebastian

Sitting back all that crossed my mind was, "I have a brother." Why didn't anyone tell me? Why did dad keep tho from me? Was my brother as crazy as my mom? But, what if my mom's not crazy? "URRRGGGG!!!!" Why does everything have to be so confusing? Running a hand threw my hair I groan out loud, before standing up with the box, letter, journal, and necklace. Walking down the stairs back into the first room I place everything except the necklace down, I unclasping the necklace, I place it at the base of my throat and clasp the necklace back together enjoying the weight of it against my neck.

How long have I been here?

Looking down at my waterproof watch I gasp horrified at what time it is, "Dad's going to kill me! He's going to skin me alive, chop me into little pieces, burry me, and dance on my unmarked grave!" Ignoring the watch that read 8:47 I leave the stuff for when I bring my waterproof bag with me, and ran down the tunnel twisting and turning, praying dad hasn't noticed my absence yet. Finally reaching the water I dove in not caring if I got any scraps or scratches, swimming as fast as I could in the dark with my glowing hair lighting the way. Seeing the gap up ahead I speed up, and broke threw the surface of the water gasping for breath, and swam up to the black beach, I hopped out and scrambled around the beach pulling on my clothes, making them damp almost instantly. Grabbing my stuff I took off running towards the rocky cliff, running up the stairs slipping every fourth step I finally make it to the top not caring if I look like a crazy woman, unaware of the eyes following my every move. Stumbling threw the woods I see the living room lights on from the edge of the woods, groaning I continue to run already dreading facing my dad.

Reaching the front door I grew it open dreaming out between pants, "I-I'm h-he-here! S-SOR-SORRY!!! I lost track of time, and I was swimming. And you know how I get when I swim! I block everything out, so it's NOT MY FAULT!" I end in a desperate plead looking at my dad's furious glare.

Unknown POV

Watching her run out of the water, home was a little entertaining, but her hair! HER HAIR WAS GLOWING FREAKING BLUE!!! There's only a few things that can do that, fairies, mermaids, and some witches but that's it! I wonder which one she is? And she stayed under the water for I don't know how long so that rules out ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!! Witches can cast spells to breath underwater, there are water fairies, and mermaids love water so yeah! I have nothing besides that to go off of, this is why I need to get closer to her too! I need to protect her, if someone was to catch her there's nothing to stop them from taking her away from me! I can't allow that to happen. Wether she know it or not,

She's counting on me.

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