Training for a Saving

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Waverley's POV

It's been a week since Seb was taken, it has been the longest week of my entire life, I'll admit I took a liking towards River, but I can't completely focus on a new friendship right now, there's too much at stake...... And it's already been too long, I really miss Seb... I hope he's ok, even though I knew he's probably not. And on top of Seb being captured, training, and researching, I keep having these visions.... So needless to say, it's been one hell of a week, especially with little to no sleep, I think I might have insomnia, but I don't want to tell anyone, we have enough problems to deal with let alone mine too... 

Oh well, but we have some great news, WE FINALLY FOUND HIM!!!! We're heading out tonight to get him back, let's just hope that we succeed.

Sighing, I raise my fist and start pounding into the punching bag, I know River, Alex, Ash, and Dad said to take it easy today, but I just can't, if I don't do something to distract myself, I'll end up doing something really stupid, like  going to go to The Scientists's base by myself or something equally stupid, and we can't have that. And I won't ruin our chance of getting my brother back.....

Sweating, I continue beating the bag until my hands were slightly sore, and I was panting for breath, deciding to take a break on that, I took a drink of water from my water bottle, before finally catching my breath. Getting on the treadmill, I start to build my pace up rather quickly, before my watch went off. "Huh, it's 6:30 (am) already?" I mutter to myself shocked, oh well better go take a shower before the rest of the group wakes up, only God knows what they'd do to me if they found out that I was training all night again.....

Grabbing a towel, I wipe the sweat, that was dripping down my body, off and rushed upstairs to my room. Locking my door, I grab a pair of black yoga pants, a electric blue tank top, matching blue undergarments, and a fresh towel before heading to my shower.

Turning it on and stepping into it, not even waiting for it to heat up a little, I let the water  run over my body, making it the most relaxed it's been all week. Squirting strawberry and cream shampoo into my hand, I scrub my scalp until it's clean, letting it sit for 15 minutes, I rinse it out as thoroughly as I could, before shaving. Stepping out of the shower, I turn it off while wrapping a towel around me, drying off, I get dressed and walk out of the bathroom. Picking my brush up on the way out, I run it through my hair, before pulling it up into a neat ponytail, well I'm done....

So now what??? "WAVERLEY, BREAKFAST IS DONE!!!!" Dad screamed up the stairs, well I guess that answers that question... Opening and closing my door as I step out, I hop down the stairs, putting up my fake smile, I can't let them find out about anything, sad really, but once we have Seb back, I'm sure everything will go back to normal.

Running into the kitchen, I stack my plate full of waffles, bacon, and strawberries, yumm. Sitting down, I ignore Ivy's (River's if you forgot) comment, "I still can't believe how much she eats........" Well, if I wasn't keeping up appearances, I wouldn't be eating at all.....

River's POV

I still can't believe how much that girl can eat, how in the world is she NOT fat? Like if I ate even half of that, I'd look like I was pregnant....with quadruplets.... But I can't help but feel like she's hiding something from us. She's always up before us, goes to bed later than us, and doesn't act like what I've heard of she was like. And I don't think I'm the only one noticing this, Alexander, he keeps looking at her in concern, and love? And Ash, she's alway watching Rey (Waverley in case you forgot), like as if she was going to suddenly disappear, why?

But the light that was in her eyes a week ago is gone, now it's replaced with pure determination, but what for? Is it for getting Sebastian back? Or something else, but if so, what? Ugh! This is so confusing...

I just hope whatever it is, it's not life threatening, to her or anybody else. But most of all, I just hope what ever it is, she'll overcome it, I hate to see her like this... Eh, I wonder if I gave her a potato, would it cheer her up???

Of course it wouldn't you moron!!!

Hey!!! It was just a suggestion.... And it could of worked... Stupid subconscious, always making mean/rude comments. And of course it would work! I mean, I'd marry you if you gave me a potato!!! Like potatoes are just so lumpy, and hard that if you throw it at someone it would hurt, if not knock them unconscious! And I could test if they bounced😈...

Well anyway, I hope whatever she's keeping from us isn't bad, I already love her like a sister, no way am I lesbian, I love Sebastian too much, sorry Rey...... I can't wait to get Sebby-poo back! I miss him soooo much....

Tearing up, I turn and leave the kitchen, I can't let any of them see me like this. They don't even know what I am to Sebastian.... All I am to him is a stupid stalker, I wish he liked me like I like him, but I know it won't happen. Sighing, I determined that if he still does't like me after we save him, I'll leave him alone for good. No matter how much it would kill me to walk away from him, I love him so much that I'd leave if it made him happy. Let's just hope it doesn't end like that, I'd really like to stay apart of his life, even if it's just as a friend...

Alex's POV

Watching Wave slowly eat, made me concerned usually she's up for seconds by now, and it's not been just today, it's been all week... I'm scared, I know she cares a lot about Sebastian, but I hoped she'd be alright until we got him back. But it's obviously getting to her, and the sad part is that I don't think her 'dad,' Sam even notices. I feel like strangling him! His own daughter, he doesn't even realize that she's going into a depression, I just hope that when we get him back, she'll pull out of this.

I don't know what I'd do if she doesn't.... I'll never leave her side, ever, but I really don't know what else to do. If Sebastian doesn't help her, I guess I'll just have to find a way to get her back to normal. I'll try anything, do anything, be anything she needs, to get her to truly smile again. I-I love her....

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