Chapter 30: Proposal Plans

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(A/n: hehe another chapter y'all have been waiting for practically since January if not even longer. Also this chapter might also be a little awkward for me to write because I haven't written an x reader chapter in a while I've been doing my oc insert to MID so the talking normally will be kinda weird too since I got a bit use to writing the way daemos speak XD. Also this chapter might be a little awkward for me to write because I haven't written an x reader chapter in a while I've been doing my oc insert to MID so the talking normally will be kinda weird too since I got a bit use to writing the way daemos speak XD anyways let's get to it)

-Ein's POV-

It's been a week from when I told y/n my backstory. I had woken up this morning and she was still peaceful asleep against my wounded chest it hurt to have her asleep against it but I didn't care.

Surprisingly this week was rather calm compared to how it's been we have about 2 weeks left in our trip on Starlight and thank Irene it's almost over the first month was nice then the second one had been a flat out fucking disaster, heck it's been a fucking living hell of a vacation.

I could not wait to get off this hellhole living nightmare of an island vacation that was supposed to be a nice vacation for everyone.

I mainly couldn't wait because I could finally let myself heal properly I was still in pretty bad condition and pain from being attacked by Aaron.

Either way there was one more thing I wanted to do for My Sweet n/n Darling~ before we leave the island. I reached over to the bedside drawer  and pull out the box with the custom engagement ring with a raw power emerald in the center and a diamond on either side of it and took it out

I've thought about this since not exactly high school but somewhat then. I only really started to think about this a year ago when I did what I did in Emerald Secret but what I wanted to do was finally propose to her and I think today was that day

I know of a place on the island where I could propose to her. And that place was the exact same place Aaron proposed to aph

(A/n: This area to remind you guys UwU)

(A/n: This area to remind you guys UwU)

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