Chapter 20: Getting To The Cave

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(A/N: You're King Awaits You...XD But really yes I know this picture is suppose to show Ein being all manipulative and pure evil so it should make you feel sad or angered or something with negative vibes but when I saw this picture and with me being an Ein lover I couldn't help but think this "Yaaasss My King Slaaay"😆 tell me if any of y'all Ein lovers like me get the same vibes from it. but really no lie it is kinda hot tho X3)

-y/n's POV-

Once I resized  Ein was asleep I leave the cold compress on his head and get up to start looking for his potion bag.

I was looking for a while and still couldn't find it then think to myself "It's probably in the one place we would never expect it to be that's usually where things you can't find are." I then check the most random places like the closest and under the bed.

Of course I was right it was in a spot we would least expect it to be it was under the bed I grab it and think "Why the hell was his potions bag under the bed? Hey I won't question it I really don't get Ein sometimes."

Once I grabbed the bag I set it on the counter in front of the door and wait for him to wake up and start running my hand through his adorable messy raven and almost gray streaked hair "heh it's crazy I still can't believe that such a sweet guy could become so evil with one single spell or potion" I think to myself

Ein: "Mmm"

y/n: "Hey baby how are you feeling"

Ein: "Mmph...I still have a minor headache but I feel much better thank you Darling~"

y/n: "No problem" "and that's good your eyes went back to both grayish-silver like they should be"

Ein: "Yeah but ugh...they won't be for long"

y/n: "why"

Ein: "Because I know what I still have to do which means Michael is gonna take control again, meaning my eyes will go emerald green again, which means I'm just gonna get a migraine again after I break control"

y/n: "Aww I'm sorry babe"

Ein: "Mmph...It's fine"

y/n: "Alright"

Ein: "We should probably go" "Mmph..." *gets up*

y/n: "Yeah"

Ein: "Hey did you ever find my potion bag by the way"

y/n: "Yeah and I set it down on the counter by the front door"

Ein: "Oh thank Irene where did you find it"

y/n: "It was under the bed"

Ein: "What the fuck was it doing there"

y/n: "I don't know you ask yourself why"

Ein: "Ugh...It doesn't matter all that matters is that you found it"

y/n: "Hehe"

Ein: "What"

y/n: "You know what I want as a thank you"

Ein: *sighs* "Fine com'er"

y/n: "hehe"

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