Chapter 11: Ease Into When Angels Fall, A Date With Blaze And A Confession?

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-Ein's POV-

It's been about a month on Starlight Wonderland and honestly what I was fearing from my nightmare was starting to come true

the guardian forces had found out about the ultima on the island and now all of use were trapped here and the werewolves were staring to be captured so y/n now had to hide her ears and tail to stay safe

y/n was now forced more than ever to stay in the hotel room with me that Michael was paying for us to stay in while here on the island

How did the guardian forces find out you ask it's because Aaron had saw me on the bridge with y/n after a little date I had taken her on and his eyes went red as I just gave him a sick and twisted evil grin with my glowing emerald green eyes as we passed by then Aaron apparently saw a werewolf that looked like me and went haywire again this time accidentally turning Garroth and almost killing him and other werewolves saw so yeah

a few more days went past and I was asked to go off to work early one morning I really didn't want to but I had to so I slipped out of
y/n's grip while we were sleeping got ready and headed off too work but since I didn't tell her I soon got a text from her

-Y/n's POV-

I had woken up one morning to Ein not being next to me and I started to panic because he always told me if he was going out but he didn't today I even called out his name which echoed throughout the room we were staying in only to be met with nothing so I decided to text him with tears streaking down my cheeks as I both worried and panicked

~Start of Text Chat~

                                                 BABE WHERE THE
                                                 HELL ARE YOU
                                                 IM LEGIT
                                                 RIGHT NOW
                                                 BECAUSE I DON'T
                                                 KNOW WHERE
                                                 YOU ARE!😭

Aww Darling~

                                                Where are you
                                                 you usually tell
                                                 me when you
                                                 go out🥺

You're worried
about me huh
Especially with
what's been going
on with the werewolves
am I right


If it makes you
feel better I'm
perfectly safe

                                               ok can you
                                               tell me where
                                               you are still🥺

Alpha and Omega (Book 3): Starlight & WAF Ein x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now