Chapter 21: You WILL Obey Your Alpha And A Small Blazin Moment ;3

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-Ein's POV-

I walk over to the guard who looks ready to attack me at any moment while I just smirked

Werewolf Guard: "prove to me you're a werewolf"

Ein: *growls like a wolf mainly because of anger*

Werewolf Guard: "Thats not good enough any human can master a wolf growl if the practice"


Werewolf Guard: "I CANT LET YOU IN"

Ein: grrr "Let. Me. Pass. Before. I. Make. You"

Werewolf Guard: "NO"

Ein: "Fine Then I'll Make You"

Werewolf Guard: "How will you do that your not our alpha"

Ein: *eyes go emerald again and he gets a shadow over his face with an evil smirk* "HehHeh...Oh You Silly Wolf...HehHehHeh...I Am Your Alpha...And You WILL Obey Me"

Werewolf Guard: "Huh"

Ein: *attacks the guard and uses a single drop of the potion putting him under control instantly and thinks to self* "Huh? no fighting the potion? it was that easy?...tch this werewolf is weak, it only took a single drop to control him...pathetic" "I wonder if all the others are just as weak as this one is. If so this will make my job sooo much more easy"
"Now...Let. Me. Pass."

Werewolf Guard: "Yes Alpha I'm Sorry I Didn't Know What I Was Thinking"

Ein: "Perfect~"

The guard steps aside and let's me in it was time to cause some trouble for Him to enjoy

-y/n's POV-

y/n: "If we wanna stop him come on before it's to late"

Blaze: "Yeah let's go beat up your mate and teach him a lesson"

y/n: "What?! NO! I never said I wanted to hurt him"

Blaze: "What's the other option"

y/n: "True Love Duh"

Blaze: "Uhh...What"

y/n: "Thats a forever potion's weakness it can't take that strong of an emotion and breaks it's how I've broken Ein free before"

Blaze: "But didn't you try and it didn't work"

y/n: "Yeah but I could try harder I'm not gonna hurt Ein"

Blaze: "Fine fare enough"

We start head to the cave when the werewolf guard stops us

Werewolf Guard: "Halt! Alpha Says All Intruders Must Be Stoped"

Blaze: "What? We don't have an Alpha"

Werewolf Guard: "Yes We Do"

Blaze: "Huh?"

y/n: "Oh no"

Blaze: "What's going on"

y/n: "Blazey we're to late if he got to one he probably got to the others"

Blaze: "NO! I Won't Let Him Do The Same Thing He Did To The Werewolves In High School. I Won't Let Him Manipulate His Way Into Becoming Alpha Again"

y/n: "B-Blaze we're to l-late and i-if you go in th-there h-he'll just get you t-to"

Blaze: "I. Won't. Let. Him" "Out Of My Way Guard" *punched the guard knocking him out* "Come On n/n We Have A Pack To Save" *angrily walks in*

Alpha and Omega (Book 3): Starlight & WAF Ein x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now