Chapter 24: N-NO! W-WHAT HAVE I-I D-DONE!...Wh-WHY M-ME!

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-y/n's POV-

As Ein evilly laughed I decided to go up behind him and I had placed a hand on one of his arms while my other arm wrapped around his waist and I rested my chin on his shoulder or as best as I could considering how tall he was

I just let him have his fun while I just stood there fondling over his evil side

As I just stood there I realized something was wrong he went from laughing all evil to going into a fit of coughing soon dropping to his knee clutching the area that was stabbed by Aphmau.

That's what snapped me out of my dazed state of fondling over his laugh

y/n: "BABE!" *rushes to his side*

Ein: *growls out* I'm....fine..." *starts coughing again*

y/n: "You sure"

Ein's: "Yeah...just the...wound being...mmph...stubborn" *gets up again*

y/n: "you sure"

Ein: "ye...Ahhgh" *drops down again holding his head*

I see all the werewolves that were under his control start to come closer worried about their so called alpha


They all drop their ears back and have their tails stop swaying and also drop while they backed away cowering in fear from realizing my harsh stare was just like an alpha's it's self

That's when I think to self "Heh heh...That's right I still got my alpha gaze from high school"

Ein: "Mmm...Darling~ did you really have to yell my head is killing me"

y/n: "Oh I'm so sorry babe...They wouldn't leave you alone if I di...."

Ein: "It's fine I get it thank you"

y/n: "No problem...Now lets see if there's any open tents I could rest you in"

Ein: "What no...I have to finish what...needs to be done"

y/n: "In a little bit but for now let's get you any least a little rest"

Ein: "Alright"

I help him up and head to the nearest tent we're one of the werewolves are and growl at them and they shake and answer "P-Please don't h-hurt me I-I'll be happy to l-let the a-alpha rest in m-my tent" I then change my harsh gaze into a soft sweet smile and thank her

I then was about to set Ein down when he drops down to his hands and knees sobbing

I then was about to set Ein down when he drops down to his hands and knees sobbing

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Ein: "W-Why did I do th-this...I-I could have fought it...I-I didn't need to h-hurt her nonetheless k-kill her...b-but I d-did I-I don't deserve t-to live I-I'm a monster."

y/n: "No you're not"

Ein: "Y-Yes I am. I-I ruined a p-perfect relationship, I-I controlled our own k-kind, and I-I killed m-my own s-sister. A-Aph was smart to st-stab me I-I wish she g-got my h-heart and k-killed me then I-I wouldn't of k-killed her"

y/n: "Awww baby"

Ein: "I-I loved her like a l-little sister and not a half one a wh-whole one"

y/n: "E-Ein"

Ein: "I-I still have the kn-knife so I-I could finish wh-what she wanted" *takes out the knife and once again puts it in his chest but drives it in further*

y/n: "STOP" *grabs a hold of the knife and yanks it out of both his hand and his chest* "I WONT LET YOU COMMIT BABY"

Ein: .......

y/n: "Look...*grabs his chin and pushes it up so he's looking her directly in the e/c eyes*...I love you to much that I would save you from anything including if it means I have to take the death for you"

Ein: "N-No"

y/n: "Yes"

Ein: ....

y/n: "Now get some sleep I'll be keeping this now" *shows the knife*

Ein: ......

I then lay him down and go to get some medical stuff to help him already realizing he's already healed the stab himself now

y/n: *smiles* "Good it's not bad anymore"

Ein: "Sh-Shut up I was tired of the constant pain of the wound"

y/n: "hehe understandable I would have done the same thing to be honest"

Ein: "Exactly"

y/n: "But I'm still gonna bandage it though considering it's still bleeding a little bit"

Ein: "Tch..."

I head over to him and sit beside him and wrap his stab wound

y/n: "There you go babe"

Ein: "Thanks Darling~"

y/n: "No problem babe, Now get some rest"

Ein: "Alright"

He soon enough falls asleep and I eventually do to


Hey guys sorry for the short chapter my mind kinda blanked for this chapter

I  don't know if the next one will be long either but as we know how WAF works the chapter after next is gonna be pretty sad our poor villainous wolf

Anyways this chapter was approximately 925 words in all by the end of it

so again sorry for the short chapter my mind blanked alright but don't worry other chapters should be longer because I have a pretty good idea to where I'm going with this book

So as always until next time "I Love You All And I Will See You Guys Escalater" ;3

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