Chapter 14: Getting Ready For The Masquerade And A Complement War

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-y/n's POV-

Ein: "Who were you texting"

y/n: "Just Aph"

Ein: "Ah ok"

y/n: "By the way everyone is going"

That's when I see Ein completely stop dead in his tracks if he had his Ears and Tail I could tell his ears would have stop moving and his tail would have stopped swaying and dropped

Ein: "E-Everyone?"

y/n: "Yes"

Ein: "Th-They all h-hate me though I-I don't think I wanna go anymore I-I'm sorry"

I then see Ein sprint of back to the room possibly crying  I yell out "EIN WAIT" and begin chasing him I was right he sprinted back to the room and he was laying on the bed in tears so I sit down next to him and put a hand on his back

y/n: "Baby?"

Ein: "N-No"

y/n: "What do you mean"

Ein: "I-I can't go"

y/n: "Why"

Ein: "you know how I was around them at th-the beach and theme park I-I just can't see them right now"

y/n: "Is it because you've been more depressed lately and if you go it will only bring back the memories of what you did in the forest and you would break even more because of it"

Ein: "M-Maybe" "A-And because I-I don't want Aaron to snap b-because I d-don't wanna fight"

y/n: "Look we'll stay away from them as best as we can they'll probably not even recognize you because we'll all be wearing masquerade masks anyways"

Ein: "B-But"

y/n: "It will be fun I promise plus you need to get your mind off this sadness anyways I don't want you to try and hurt yourself anytime soon"

Ein: ........

y/n: "Come on let's get dressed for it"

Ein: "O-Ok"

y/n: "Hey how about we start with getting ready for tonight and do something a little fun"

Ein: "L-Like what?"

y/n: "Oh I don't know maybe like a shower....together"

Ein: "Nah"

y/n: "I Wasn't Done Alpha~"

Ein: "say it already"

y/n: "When I meant together I meant....Without Our Swimsuits Alpha~"

Ein: *smirks* "Heh Heh....Alright Now You Caught My Interest....Pet~"

y/n: "Well Lets Get To It Alpha~"

Ein: "Sure Darling~"

We both strip and get in the shower together I was surprised Ein actually held back from being horny and trying to fuck me like what would have normally happened

y/n: "Ein are you feeling alright"

Ein: "Yeah I'm feeling fine why ask"

y/n: "It's just your normally so horny I remember last time we did this back at home in the cabin you couldn't hold back from fucking me"

Ein: "Eh I guess I'm just not feeling it right now"

y/n: "Wow alright I'm surprised you're normally the hornyest person I know"

Alpha and Omega (Book 3): Starlight & WAF Ein x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now