Chapter 5: The Boat To The Island

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-y/n's POV-

As we were a few hours into the flight I too began to get drowsy heh Ein looked so cute all curled up but anyways I decided to shift in the seat leaning against the wall instead I felt bad for moving because I kind of woke Ein but not much

Ein: "Mmmph Nooo"

y/n: "Shhhh it's ok babe I just moved I'm not going any where"

Ein: "ok"

I then adjusted Ein to be more comfortable it was kind of uncomfortable to me because it hurt since I adjusted him to be leaning against my chest which means he was leaning against my breasts now but I didn't care at least he was comfortable and that's all that mattered to me

Either way even with the minor pain I still ended up falling asleep on the plane too resting my head against the seat's back rest as I made one of my arms into a somewhat pillow while my other arm rested over Ein's chest

-Ein's POV-

We were in the plane for what felt like more than just a few hours that's when I feel some one tap my arm surprisingly it wasn't y/n it was Terry Michel wasn't in control

Ein: "Hmm"

Terry: "Hey we're here and I'm assuming you wanted me to wake you instead of Zack because I saw how you reacted to him even when Michael was in control"

Ein: "Ugh...Yeah I fucking hate my father"

Terry: "I could tell that's why I woke you instead of him"

Ein: "Thank you"

Terry: "Your Welcome" "Also I wanted to ask how badly did Michael hurt you either way I'm sorry"

Ein: "Mmph...It's fine I'm use to it all he gave me was a massive migraine"

Terry: "I'm sorry"

Ein: "It's fine like I said I'm use to it I've had to deal with him my entire life it's more so just annoying now"

Terry: "Ok" "Anyways get your stuff and wake up your mate we have a boat to board to get to the actual island"

Ein: "Alright but hey do you think some else could carry our luggage instead because I'm not waking y/n so I'll carry her"

Terry: "Sure"

Ein: "Thank you"

Terry then leaves and I gently move y/n's arm from off my chest then sat up and stretched waking her up a little but she was still mostly asleep

y/n: "Nooo Eiiin"

Ein: "It's ok Darling~ I'm not going anywhere"

I then gently pick her up bridle style making her whimper from being moved

Ein: "Shhh it's ok I gotcha"

She relaxed and adjusted her head against my shoulder and I began walking out

Terry: "Ready"

Ein: *smiles and looks down at the sleeping girl in his arms* "Heh yeah I think I am"

Terry: "Alright"

We all start walking towards the boat and bordered it

Crew staff member: "You must be Ein and this is y/n I suppose"

Ein: "Yeah"

Crew staff member: "Follow me I'll take you too your room your luggage is already there as well"

Ein: "Alright"

I then start to follow him

Crew staff member: "You guys will be here for a couple of days till we reach the island then I'm assuming Michael is paying for a hotel you guys will stay in at the island"

Alpha and Omega (Book 3): Starlight & WAF Ein x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now