Chapter 13: The Morning Of The Masquerade

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-y/n's POV-

A few weeks had passed by and I ended up waking up before Ein it always surprises me when I wake up before him

Honestly Ein hasn't been himself lately and I'm starting to worry is this task that actually came true from his dream really beating him up the poor thing.

Maybe I could do something to cheer him up but I don't know what will he's been so depressed lately. Also I just thought doesn't Ein have work today

y/n: "Babe?"

Ein: *angrily growls in his sleep in response to her*

y/n: "Babe. I'm just trying to help so don't you have work today"

Ein: *growls out* "No, I'm off this week even if I did I wouldn't go!"

y/n: "why"

Ein: "Because..."

y/n: "Hey can you tell me what's going on you haven't been yourself lately"

Ein: "No, Just let me sleep I don't wanna get up"

y/n: "You've been saying that a lot"

Ein: "So what!"

y/n: *places a hand on the back of his shoulder* "Babe if somethings up tell me, that's what I'm here for"

Ein: "Maybe it because for the past week I've wished I could fall asleep and never wake up...Duh"

y/n: "What?"

Ein: "Look I get that feeling a lot alright especially with what's been going on"

y/n: "So you're saying that what's going on here on the island is causing your depression to come back more often"

Ein: "Yes"

y/n: "Well I guess that makes sense I mean we're all trapped here, your dad still abuses you, and Michael has been overworking you so you have a lot of stress your dealing with is that what's going on with you"

Ein: .........

y/n: "well is it?"

Ein: "Mmhm"

y/n: "I'll just leave you be"

Ein: "No"

y/n: "huh?"

Ein: "You're the only thing helping me so please don't leave me be"

y/n: "Aww"

Ein: "It's true...I-I'm sorry I was snappy and being kind of a jerk I fucked up again didn't I"

y/n: "Oh heavens no you were just cranky from being woken up is all"

Ein: .....

y/n: "Ein you want my attention don't you"

Ein: "I mean yes but because of how I acted you don't have to give me it in fact it's probably best if you don't"

y/n: "Awww baby"

Ein: ......

y/n: Heh...You know I love you so don't even say that it's best if I didn't give you my attention because Its always best if I do especially when you're depressed like this" *snuggles close to him and nuzzles into his back*

Ein: *smiles softly and flips over so he can hold her and she can nuzzle into his chest* " always know how to make me feel better"

y/n: "That's what I'm here for baby"

Alpha and Omega (Book 3): Starlight & WAF Ein x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now