Chapter 6: Starlight At Last

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-Time Skip To A Few Days Later-

-Narration Time So No One's POV-

It the morning of the day the boat had finally made it to Starlight

y/n and Ein were still asleep peaceful in their room snuggling close

The captain then calls over the intercom "attention all passengers we have arrived at Starlight Wonderland please grab you're stuff and enjoy your stay here on this beautiful island resort"

This wakes up Ein first as he decided to wake up y/n who was still asleep on his chest

-Done narrating for now-

-Ein's POV-

Ein: *gently taps y/n* "Hey Darling~"

y/n: "Hmm"

Ein: "We're here"

y/n: "On the island"

Ein: "Yeah did you not hear the captain over the intercom"

y/n: "No"

Ein: "How your still a werewolf in surprised"

y/n: "Ein you know this since you are one werewolves can't hear everything"

Ein: "True I only said that because you have werewolf ears and I don't"

y/n: "true"

Ein: "Now come on it's time to get up"

y/n: "Mmph...Ok"

Ein: "I'll go grab the our luggage so we can head out"

y/n: "Ok"

She then gets up and changes out of her pajamas and into her clothes

Ein: "Ready"

y/n: *yawns* "Yeah I am"

Ein: "heh still a little sleepy huh"

y/n: "Mmhm"

Ein: "Same, we really shouldn't have stayed up that late when we had to get up this early"

y/n: "Yeah"

(A/n: hehe what did you guys do that late at night hehe😏 I'm just kidding all you did was watch tv or did you hmmm we may never know XD)

Ein: "Anyways lets go"

y/n: "Alright"

We then head out and say goodbye to the crew and the captain and get off the ship when I get a massive migraine

Ein: "Ahhgh"

y/n: "headache again?"

Ein: "Yeah one second"

y/n: "Try not to go unconscious I don't know where I would take you"

Ein: "I'll try not to"

y/n: "Ok"

-Ein's Mind-

Ein: "Alright what do you want Michael"

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