Chapter 16: Ending The Night At The Beach

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(A/n: This is the continuation of last chapter also I couldn't find a perfect picture of starlight at night that was on the beach so this sunset at Starlight Wonderland will have to do)

-Ein's POV-

Me and y/n were dancing for a while when I decide to ask her something because personally as much fun as we were having here I wanted to ended off the night in a special way that was just her and I since I don't really get to spend as much time as I use to be able to spend with her

So when the song ends I end in a dip with a rose in my mouth smirking and wanting her to take it from me

y/n: "Aww Ein is that for me"

Ein: "Mmhm"

y/n: "Awww thank you" *takes it and puts it in her hair* "Its beautiful where did you get it"

Eins: "I've had it sticking out in my tux coat pocket this entire time"

y/n: "How did I not notice"

Ein: "I don't know I guess you weren't paying attention"

y/n: "I guess not hehe"

Ein: "Hey Darling~ can I ask you something"

y/n: "Oh sure"

Ein: "Look I know we're having fun here but I kinda wanna leave early"

y/n: "Why?"

Ein: "Because I wanna spend sometime alone together that's just you and me"

y/n: "Oooh~ hehe"

Ein: *softly blushes* "No not that kind of time Irene Damn it"

y/n: "Oh? then what"

Ein: "I'll show you if we leave now"

y/n: "Ok"

Ein: "But first close your eyes and hold my hand I'll take you there"

y/n: "Oh ok" *shuts her eyes and covers them taking his hand*

We then started walking

y/n: "Babe where are you taking me"

Ein: "We're almost there"

y/n: "Ok I'm trusting you"

We were walking for a little while longer then we finally reached the one of the bridges on the beach that over looks the ocean and it was even more pretty because it was pretty much a full moon so the moonlight perfectly sparkled off the calm ocean waves in quite a beautiful way it was pretty enchanting and romantic

Ein: "We're here you can open your eyes now"

y/n: "Ok"

I then see her open her eyes as I leans against the railing of the bridge

y/n: "E-Ein this...this is beautiful I never gone to Starlight's beach at night when it's dark like this" "The water it's so calm that the moon and starts reflect off the calm ocean perfectly and there's so many stars"

Ein: "Exactly, I guess that's why the call it...Starlight Wonderland"

y/n: "Heh heh..that's just cute of you to say but still maybe that is why"

Ein: "Exactly, why else would someone name a place Star-light Wonderland"

y/n: "True it literally has Star in the name"

Ein: "Exactly"

y/n: "This is really romantic"

Ein: "Yeah"

Alpha and Omega (Book 3): Starlight & WAF Ein x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now