Chapter 7: The Beach Already?

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(A/n: The song is the original faster car so not Chris's version because they are going to the beach so yeah)
Ein's POV-

As soon as we got to the room and got settled in I flopped down on the bed when y/n calls

y/n: "hey babe"

Ein: "Hmm"

y/n: "Can we go explore the island and maybe hit the beach"

Ein: "Mmph...I don't really want to"

y/n: "Oh come on you can't be tired already it's only the morning"

Ein: "Well I kind of am"

y/n: "Come on please we're on an island so I don't wanna waist a day in bed"

Ein: "Ughhh...Fine but I swear if we run into anyone we know and they start something with me that's on you"

y/n: "Yay...Also I won't let them start anything with yo let's just get dressed in our beach outfits and go"

Ein: "Fine"

We then change into the outfits we were going to where and head out

We explored around our hotel room for a bit till we finally reached the beach that's when things went down

-y/n's POV-

As we were exporting and made it to the beach I wasn't expecting it but I see a frisbee pass me and moments later I hear some one call out in a chill Laid back bro voice that I didn't recognize at first

???: "Woah dude get out of the way before I....

That's when I was sent crashing down to the sand with a firey red headed wolf who had Smokey black ears and tail on top of me and I instantly knew who it was now

y/n: "Blaze?"

Blaze: "Sup dude"

y/n: "oh my Irene BLAZY!"

Blaze: "y/n?"

y/n: "Yep"

Blaze: "No way bro I haven't seen you since high school my dude" *hugs her tight*

y/n: *hugs back while her f/c tail thumbed the sand* "Same, To be honest I really missed you Blazy"

Blaze: "Yeah" "And you're still just as beautiful as you were in high school possibly even more beautiful now" *pushes her h/c hair out of her face*

Honestly what Blaze just said and did there made me blush a bit because before I knew Ein was at PDH I some what had a crush on Blaze and apparently I still kind of did even though I loved and was now officially dating Ein entirely

y/n: "Uhh...heh heh thanks Blazy"

Blaze: "No Problem but can you please stop calling me that"

y/n: "hehe no"

Blaze: grrrr

y/n "Oh stop it you like the nickname"

Blaze: *blushes softly* "Yeah but its still weird that you call me that since we never dated"

y/n: "So what you're an awesome friend"

Blaze: "True I am awesome I'm nothing but that"

y/n: "Ha...I love that you still have that attitude"

Blaze: "Yeah"

y/n: "Hey are the others here too"

Blaze: "yeah but they're more down the beach I was just playing frisbee with Dotty, Rylan, and Daniel before I ran into you....literally"

Alpha and Omega (Book 3): Starlight & WAF Ein x Reader (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now