Chapter 4: Getting To Starlight Wonderland

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-Ein's POV-

The week has gone passed and it was the day we leave for Starlight Wonderland. I was excited for this trip for multiple reasons one of them to get back at Aaron for what he did to me but that wasn't all I heard Aaron was planning to propose to aph there too which honestly kind of annoyed me because I too have wanted to propose to y/n but I didn't know when and ever since I got the tickets I had moved my plans to possibly propose to her on the island as well but I didn't know when I would do it I just hope I wouldn't do it on the same day as Aaron

Anyways that was the last thing I had to pack it was the ring and luckily she was still asleep so I could

The ring was actually a custom made one most wedding rings are Diamond and silver mine was different.

The ring had a silver band like most wedding rings but it had 3 stones 2 of which were diamonds and one was an emerald but no ordinary emerald it was actually my personal last emerald that I never used and it was a smaller version of the ones I used in forever potions

So that emerald in the ring was an emerald with traces of raw power in it but it was to small to active a potion so I gave it to the jeweler who made it into an engagement ring. Much like my cloak which was also custom made with another raw power emerald that was to small to activate a potion as the clip.

Anyways the emerald for the ring was placed in the center the 2 diamonds were on the sides of it.

Y/n is mine and will be mine Forever~

I then hear y/n shift in bed and wake up so I quickly put the ring in the suitcase just in time for when she wakes up

y/n: "Mmph...Morning Babe"

Ein: "Morning Princess~"

y/n: "Babe what are you still doing in your winter clothes it's basically spring almost summer aren't you warm"

Ein: "Oh heh not really to be honest I was just finishing up packing a few more things is all"

y/n: "Let me guess some potions, emeralds, and your potion bag right"

Ein: *says under breath* "and an engagement ring"

y/n: "What?"

Ein: *breaks a nervous sweat and rubs the back of his neck nervously* "Uhh yep that's what I said just yep those were the things I was packing Uhh heh heh"

y/n: "hmmm...You feeling ok your acting kind of strange"

Ein: "I guess because I'm a little nervous"

That wasn't a lie either on top of being nervous that I just spoiled the surprise but luckily didn't I felt nervous about being around everyone from high school because I knew they all still hated me for what happened here at the lodge about a year ago

In fact I was still even healing from what happened too. The ribs Aaron had broken would still hurt sometimes if I do something to major so I needed more rest time between workout sets now or I would feel a searing pain shoot through my sides. My scars were also still deep and looked like they could open up still if I'm not careful so those wolves cut deep into my skin and I still I feel the agonizing and unbearable pain of the pack's claws and teeth sinking into my skin and cutting it deep ripping it open every time I remember the wolves attacking me it's even made me wince even though it wasn't happening anymore. So I still get phantom pain from my injuries

y/n: "Aww you're still nervous about them huh"

Ein: "Yeah" "I know they all still hate me"

y/n: "It's ok I won't let Aaron hurt you"

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