Chapter 22

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Josephine's pov:
Working on this movie has been such a great experience. I haven't had much work in the last year or so and I feel like this was a good move for my career. It may have caused me and Hero some problems, but we came through strong and I will be home tomorrow.
As fun as any project is, it never compares to the way I feel seeing my husband when I arrive home. Sleeping alone in a huge hotel room bed has been strange. And above everything, I'm tired of faking passion in dumb kissing scenes with Noah Centineo. I want to go home to the guy I really wanna kiss.


The whole cast is going out for a goodbye meal after we wrapped today. Some of the cast wrapped earlier this week, and have already gone home. So, it's just me, Noah, and the producers and Roger left.
This takes me back to when we wrapped after we collided. I'd do anything to go back to that- anything.
I'm not bothering to dress nice, there's no one to impress and I'll probably leave early anyway. I want to get some good sleep tonight so I'm bright and energised when I leave tomorrow morning.
I pick out my usual faded grey jeans from the drawer, and partner it with a deep blue shirt. I pull on a blazer jacket and decide this will do.
Taking the brush in my hand, I comb it through my thick mess of hair until it's tamed enough to be seen.
I'm happy-ish with my appearance so I only apply some light makeup and put on some heeled ankle boots. I take a quick mirror pic with a stupid smile on my face and send it over to Hero. I type 'I'm this happy to be coming home tomorrow!' Then I switch my phone off so I can save his reply for later.
I grab my bag and exit the hotel room, locking up behind me and heading to the elevator.

Hero's Pov:
I'm feeling guilty as hell. I know that soon enough some footage or evidence will emerge of me with that girl. I'm totally innocent (of course) but the press never see it that way. I remember last year being accused of having an affair with Inanna. To be fair it wouldn't be the first time an accusation like that came to light. They thought I was Nova's father for fuck's sake. I have no privacy these days, so I'm sure my conversation in the club won't stay hidden. Even if there is nothing to show for it, I'm still worried. Things with Jo are amazing. I can't afford to mess it up again.
I hear my phone buzz from the other room and get up to check it.
I'm half scared half happy to see her name flash across the screen so I nervously unlock it.
I sigh in relief when the first thing I see is a gorgeous photo of Josephine in her hotel room.
I send back, 'don't tease me, you look unreal baby' and then turn the phone back off.
Damn I wish I was with her. One more day, I think to myself. Just one more day of waiting for her to come home. Then she'll be here with me again. Where she belongs.

Josephine's pov:
The conversation is pretty dead after an hour has passed. I'm half way through my usual chicken salad and me and Roger have been teasing each other about funny moments on set. He's like a second father figure to me. I'm gonna miss him- he's a great guy.
Once I've finished eating, I polish off my wine and announce I'm about to head back to the hotel. Noah offers me a ride but I politely decline. He's bound to be here another half hour or so and to be honest I'd rather just walk it. Besides, I've spent enough time with him, I don't want to be alone in a car with the guy, however kind he may be.
I thank everyone for the lovely evening and say my final goodbyes before heading towards the exit.
The cool air on my skin once I'm outside is greatly appreciated. It's a pleasant evening and I'm quite happy to be walking under the beautiful sky.


Once I arrive back in my room, I see Hero's text reply and decide to dial his number. I know he'll be asleep right now but I don't really care. I need to hear his voice. I'm impatient.
When the ringing stops, I hear a "hello?" in that familiar sleepy voice. God, he sounds sexy when he's tired.
"Hey" I reply with a wide grin, knowing he can't see how ridiculous I look.
"How's it going?" He asks with a yawn.
"I'm great actually." I lie. I'm really missing him and just want to be home already.
"Josephine Fiennes Tiffin. You complete liar."
"What? I'm not—"
"Yes. You are." He cuts me off with a laugh.
"Okay, I just miss you." I admit.
He chuckles softly. "Don't be silly baby. You'll see me tomorrow."
"I know." I whine childishly.
"I should get back to sleep."
I'm disappointed he wants to end the call so soon, but I accept that he must be tired and needs the rest.
"Okay, I'll text you in the morning" I promise him.
"Goodnight, beautiful."
"Goodnight Hero." I reply and hang the phone up before throwing myself onto the soft mattress.
Let's hope the morning arrives quickly.

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