Chapter 8

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Josephine's pov:
Once Hero finally agrees to get out of the pool with me, he picks me up again to carry me inside. I'm starting to think I don't need my legs anymore, the man carries me everywhere! 'I do know how to walk you know.' I whisper in his ear. He laughs softly but continues to transport me all the way into the house. He sets me on the counter and then dashes out of the room to fetch us both a towel.
When Hero returns, he wraps me up in my towel like I'm a child at the beach and then removes his soaking wet shirt before wiping his torso dry with his. I try not to stare at the muscles stretching under his perfect skin as he moves his arms.
Clearly he notices because he chuckles and pulls his bottom lip between his teeth. God I love when he does that. We still give each other butterflies, even after all these years.
We're married now but our relationship remains as exciting and fulfilling as it was within the first few weeks we were together.
Nothing has changed, except our love has grown stronger which I didn't personally think was possible.
'What time is it?'
'It's now just past eight.' Hero informs me with a glance at his lock screen. I notice a photo of me in that awful bikini from the Maldives is his new screensaver. I cringe at how awful it looks on me and I physically shiver.
'What?' He questions, a little fear present in his tone and eyes.
'Nothing.. that photo is terrible.' I confess, avoiding eye contact with him.
'You look fucking beautiful.'
I only blush because I can't find a response and then the smile returns to his face.

Hero's Pov:
'I'm not tired yet.. are you?'
'Nah I'm good for a few hours.' She responds but goes against her own word when she yawns and stretches out her arms. I laugh at how adorable she is and she pouts playfully at me.
'Baby, we can just go to bed?' I suggest. She's had a long day and could do with all the rest she can get. She can't have slept all too well in the cab.
'It's only eight, are you sure you want to sleep right now?' She runs her fingertips down the side of my neck and then onto my chest, stopping at my abs to trace them. I feel by skin burning from the sensation of her heavenly touch. 'Don't you wanna hang out a while?' She asks, her hand inching further and further, now dangerously close to my crotch. What is she doing to me?
'Don't tease me.' I try to sound tough but it comes out with a half groan. With that, she tears her hand away from my body, only frustrating me further.
'Baby.' I whine like a child. God, I'm starting to sound like her.
'Later.' She teases yet again.


I sit at the end of the couch and lean my head against the cushion for comfort. Jo joins me, resting her head in my lap, her body outstretched so she's laying flat on her side. She brings one hand up onto my knee to join with mine while the other remains holding a pillow near her stomach. She assures me she is perfectly comfortable despite how oddly her body is positioned. I pick the remote up and flick through Netflix until we agree on a movie. Luckily, we share a similar taste in films and so it's not hard to find things to watch together.
She sighs happily as I stroke her hair gently, attempting to get her to sleep.
Despite her little teasing game earlier, I know she is much too tired tonight and I certainly am not going to do anything with her when she's not 100% awake.

As suspected, within 10 minutes she is fast asleep. Switching off the TV, I listen to the faint sounds she makes in her slumber, and the sound relaxes me completely. For about the 100th time, I snake my arms under her body to pull her up off the couch and hold her tightly as I head towards the door. I use my foot to close the door behind us, and slowly make my way upstairs. I think I'm starting to feel a little tired, myself.
I'm thankful when we reach the bedroom door. Not because she is heavy, but because my legs may give away any moment from my own fatigue following the tiring day we've had. I place Josephine on the bed and wake her momentarily just so I can get her into comfortable clothes to sleep in. Even in her sleepy state, she's able to lift her hips up in aid of me sliding a pair of my shorts up her legs.
I couldn't bare to dress her while she's still fast asleep. I always feel the need to be fully respectful of her, although I'm sure she won't remember this in the morning, given how in need of a long nights sleep she is. When her eyes have fallen shut and I hear that sweet sound once again, I lay down next to her and pull the sheets up to cover us both. Her head flops onto my chest, and I embrace her, until I too, am drifting off to sleep.

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