Chapter 5

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Hero's Pov:
'Jo, baby you need to wake up.' I say quietly but loud enough for her to hear.
She groans sleepily and stretches her arms out above her head before her eyes flutter open to meet mine.
'What time is it?' She practically whispers, her voice still laced with exhaustion from the night we've just had..

'Hero!' She squeals as I throw her onto the bed. 'We have to be up tomorrow morning, it's so late!' She complains, but contradicts herself by pulling me closer. 'So you want me to stop?' I ask, running my hand up and down her thigh suggestively? She lets out a heavy lust-filled sigh and shakes her head slowly. 'I didn't think so' I respond with a smirk before smashing my lips onto hers. I lean one elbow on the mattress beside our bodies to relieve some of my weight that's on top of her. She wraps both legs around my back in the way only she can or ever will, and lifts her hips off the bed slightly, only fuelling my need for her. I press myself between her thighs, letting her know how hard I am. The friction between us alone would be enough to drive us over the edge if we kept it up for long enough, but I have bigger things in mind. I reach for her cloth shorts but she catches my wrist in her hand to prevent me. I shoot her a puzzled look which she ignores, and to my shock plunges her hand into my boxers. I feel my eyes roll back into my head as I hiss her name, and allow the pleasure to overwhelm me..

'Yeah we really should've got an earlier night.' I say with a sly smile, snapped out of my thoughts at last. I'm surprised I'm not swelling in my underwear just thinking about the events of last night. 'Oh, it's 5:30', I add, remembering her initial question. '5:30?' She whines, covering her face with a pillow and kicking her legs under the sheet like a child.
'Yeah, we need to leave here at 6!' I remind her, laughing at her reaction to waking up so early. We've grown accustomed to waking up at at least 11, sometimes even later. Maybe because we're too in love at night time, or maybe just because we are both lazy as shit. She groans once more before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed, wiping the sleep from her eyes. She's not much of a morning person but I adore how she looks when she wakes up. Perfect as ever, despite her efforts to hide her face from me. She seems to forget I sleep in a bed with her and stare at her as she sleeps if I wake up first.. that sounds so creepy, but I swear it's just because I love how beautiful and peaceful she looks when she's sleeping.

'Come here you.' I say, scooping her up in my arms and carrying her into the en-suite bathroom. We packed up all our shit last night so we could bag an extra half hour of sleep, but it really doesn't seem to make much difference since I'm barely keeping my eyes open myself.
The two of us take an extremely quick shower together and hurry to get dried off and dressed in comfortable clothes. I must admit the hot shower helped to energise me a little. It feels so strange wearing joggers again, or any kind of thick-ish clothing for that matter. We've basically lived in swimwear the entire time we've been here, with the exception of our wedding day. I smile to myself regarding Jo's choice to wear my sweatshirt and a pair of her solid black leggings. Damn she looks good today. Then again, when doesn't she? She catches me staring at her and playfully swats my arm and I tell her 'sorry' but my apology is insincere. I could look at her all day long and never tire. She never fails to leave me in awe. God, I'm a lucky man.

Josephine's pov:
Once Hero is dressed, it's already 5 to 6. I take one last look at myself in the mirror only to notice Hero rolling his eyes- he's already promised me I look great at least 3 times so far. I don't trust his judgement considering he'd tell me I look good even if I was smeared in dirt and wearing a bin bag.
I'm somewhat happy with my appearance, despite the many coats of concealer I've applied today failing to disguise the dark circles under my eyes. I apply some last-minute blusher to my cheeks to make myself look a little more alive, before dropping the small palette into my handbag and zipping it up. We make it out of the door with a minute to spare and we sigh in relief at the same time. Thank god Hero heard the alarm, because I would have surely slept right through it. He wore me out last night.. but I'm certainly not complaining about it.

A/N: hey guys!! I appreciate that not a lot has happened so far. It all seems pretty calm,, but don't get too used to it! I have big things planned for this book and trust me when I say it won't be smooth sailing for Hero and Jo. Just bare with me on this.. exciting things are coming! -E xx

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