Chapter 11

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Hero's Pov:
It's almost 6:30 and I have reservations at a restaurant for 7. Not that Josephine knows about it, I wanted to surprise her. She leaves tomorrow morning for America, and I won't see her for weeks. God, I'll miss her.
I want to make this night special, she deserves it and what better way to spend our last night together before she leaves to film 'Room Service'.

'Baby, come on you look fine in that.'
'Just fine?'
'You know what I meant.' I say with a sigh.
She's tried on a hundred dresses each one just as gorgeous as the next, and she can't seem to decide on one.
'How about that black and silver one?' I suggest, pointing in the direction of the half emptied wardrobe. It's one of the few garments not sprawled across the bed. I'm lacking room here, perched right on the edge as every clothing option Jo declines is thrown in my direction. She stares blankly for a few seconds but eventually takes my advice and slips into the dress.
'Zip me up?'
'Of course.' I grin, hopping up off the bed.
I carefully pull the zip up to fasten the back of the dress. It's snug but not too tight. It accentuates her curves but is a good length and certainly doesn't make her look, you know.. slutty. I hate that word and would never use it to describe her, but some people are just so judgemental over a short dress. It's ridiculous. Josephine is beautiful in anything, she just doesn't always realise it. 'You're sure it doesn't look weird?' She asks in a soft voice.
'Are you kidding me?!' I hold her waist and turn her body to face the mirror, kissing her neck and shoulder.
'You look unreal, Jo.'
She blushes and pushes her behind against me.
'Don't tease me now, you'll make us late, and the bed is covered in your clothes!' I laugh, ignoring the fact she's intentionally turning me on.
'Shit, I forgot. We'll be on time, right?'
'Yes, of course. We'll tidy your shit up later.' I assure her and take her hand in mine, leading us out of the bedroom and switching off the light.


Josephine's pov:
We barely arrive on time but luckily the restaurant isn't that busy, so they wouldn't have had to give our table away. I'm glad it's not too crowded. It'll be nice to have a calm evening with my guy, especially since I'm leaving tomorrow.

It still doesn't seem real. This movie is such an amazing opportunity, and working with Noah Centineo should be so much fun! We've never actually met properly, but neither had Hero and I before After, and look how well that turned out! Our chemistry was there instantly. Of course, I don't plan on falling in love with another co- star, especially since I married the first one. I just hope me and Noah click as friends before filming starts, that way everything will be comfortable and come naturally.

I do feel a little weird about having to kiss him a lot, but it's only acting and Hero knows it's strictly professional and extremely technical when filming scenes like that. He and I were an exception, our performance in the after movies were fuelled by our real feelings towards one another, but acting can look just as good. I can only pray that the fan base of this movie doesn't start to aggressively ship me with Noah Centineo. That would be all I need right now.. I hope the sarcasm is obvious. Plus, I'll have a body double for some scenes, so it won't actually be me on his lap with my back to the camera. I have to say, I'm quite happy with that!

Hero orders us both a drink and we make small talk while we wait for them to arrive at the table. I don't know why things seem so unnatural between us right now.
Hero hasn't spoken much since we got here, it's like he's forgotten how to hold a conversation with me.
'Are you okay? You seem a little off.'
'Yeah, all good.' He replies almost too quickly. He's just so on edge. I keep my mouth shut as the waitress places our drinks down in front of us, and Hero nods in replacement of a verbal 'Thankyou'.
'What's wrong?' I press, knowing he's hiding something.
'I'm just going to miss you. That's all.' He says in a flat tone. Well, he certainly isn't acting like it. The conversation is once again interrupted when the waitress returns with a notebook to take our food order. We both ask for our regular meal choices to avoid delay, sharing the same desire to have this talk. We clearly need to.
'If you're gonna miss me that much, why don't we try to enjoy ourselves tonight rather than me sitting here watching you mope about it?' I ask, reaching over to nudge his arm playfully, and I don't get as much as a laugh, only a weak smile.
'I'll miss you too, but we can talk every day- when we're both awake- and I'll be back home in your arms before you know it!' I try to lighten his mood but he seems really down.
God, he's not seriously in a mood about this.
'This doesn't have anything to do with me working with Noah Centineo.. does it?' I interrogate and he doesn't answer right away like I expected.
'No.. course not.' He avoids eye contact and twiddles his fork to try and distract me.. or himself, I'm not quite sure.

The food arrives at the table and we just eat in silence for the next 10 minutes or so. He's seriously going to ruin my last night here?
'You know you could try and be happy for me!' I finally snap, but minding that my voice isn't too loud. I don't want to make a scene.
'Oh yeah.. super happy.' He mumbles sarcastically.
'What the fuck is your problem, Hero?'
'Oh sure, I have no problem with you filming sex scene after sex scene with a guy like him who every girl on the planet is obsessed with!'
'You sound like a child!' I say a little louder than I meant to, and I notice a number of eyes on us and the disturbance we're causing.
'I'm not having this conversation now.' He states, his lips pursed into a straight line.
'Well let me save you the trouble, I'm leaving!' I shout, pulling my bag over my shoulder and hurrying away from him and this complete mess, ignoring the families and couples gawking at me.
In the back of my mind, I hope he's behind me, but he's not. He's not following me.

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